David Conway Jr

This is the stupidest idea ever and is totally ridiculous.

Which makes sense considering they are Nintendo owned characters...

Actually, there was an intended timline as early as Ocarina of Time. Ocarina of Time was originally supposed to be the Imprisoning War hinted at in Link to the Past. (Now Imprisoning War takes place after Ocarina of Time but before LTTP.)

It’d be one thing if EVERYONE was chibi, instead, some characters are and some aren’t. Like WTF?

Its still a crossver, just not a direct one. Its a crossover of ideas and concepts rather than a straight up crossover. And when they announced it they didn’t even have any real plans for it, so frankly they just announced it too early.

NX isn’t going to be at E3 so the announcement of other platforms and games don’t cannibalize the NX announcement. They’ll have an event exclusively for it so they can show off just the NX without other announcements to get in the way.

Like that’ll ever happen...