
Of course it is. That's why I always buy a box for the table. 

They won’t and that’s a huge issue for EV adoption. Majority of Americans don’t buy new cars. Used car sales more than doubled new car sales in 2018 and that number seems to be consistent going back to 2000. There is a reason why “certified pre-owned” is so big, because it’s a market segment who normally wouldn’t be

The problem with trying to affordably blend with people on something they consider status symbols is they know the details of their status symbols.

Noted drunk asshole Orson Welle’s burns are downright PRESCIENT.

Yep, he is doing it wrong.  Dude oughtta back in.

The greatest trick Tiffany ever pulled was convincing Daddy she didn’t exist. And like that, poof. She’s gone…

As the proud owner of a 2019 Camry SE in Supersonic Red, I feel the need tell you to go and fuck yourself for blindly tarring every Camry owner in history with the same brush.

Sorry, I understand that it’s more economically advantageous to post videos on Kinja due to non-skippable ads and whatnot. It’s just that video is a super-duper inefficient way of conveying information, which is usually completely inaccessible to those of us checking the site from work, and this was actually something

No I’m not watching your stupid video. If I wanted to watch videos I’d own a television. I go on the internet to read. Jesus.

I sure hope not. I love single player RPGs.

You’re wrong on almost every level. Chick-fil-A is a privately held company and its profits have been used, and almost certainly continue to be used, to support anti-LGBTQ causes. Dan Cathy isn’t just a hired-gun CEO; he and his family own the company.

That’s some pretty damning stuff.  It’s almost as if powerful people were friends with Jeffrey Epstein and his contacts kept him above the law.  Almost as if our entire justice system were fundamentally broken due to corruption; but if that were true then we’d see a lot of poor, largely powerless individuals being

I didn’t expect this to turn so dark so fast.

If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?

I’ll put up these leftovers against any of those lists...

Sure, Amell might be embarrassed right now but this serves as a first rate audition for my upcoming epic C’mon, Man, I’m Wide Open: The Christian Hackenberg Story.

Dana White is the kind of boss that suddenly yells “you’re fired!” when your trying to tell him you’re quitting.

Who the fuck says firstly? And then follows it up with a shitty comment?