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    What are you talking about? Which part was misquoted? The original remarks that were reported were: "Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab: You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them, they cry."

    Not sure if you read the linked article, but the author goes on to talk about how it wasn't the price that upset him, as he could afford the $300 souvenir for his daughters. Rather, he was upset how dehumanizing the process was — for both the celebrity and the person paying for the picture.

    She was deducted 10 points for not knowing it's pronounced chicky chicky parm parm.

    It's still up and it is still glorious. I'm pretty sure my favorite bit is still:

    Here's the article if you're interested:

    Interestingly, the piece that Vulture did (in 2012) on the marketing failure points to the director Andrew Stanton as the culprit. Apparently, when it came time for the teaser trailer, the footage marketing needed wasn't done. Additionally, Stanton insisted they "honor" the source material by matching the trailers to

    I'm a ten ticket thrill ride / Don't you wanna come inside?

    One high-minded, meandering plot that takes forever to go nowhere I can handle. Three shoehorned together was a little much. Especially when they're interwoven in such a way that each time one of the plots finally picks up momentum, it switches to another one.

    Yeah, I found that the Hyperion Cantos books started at mind-blowingly amazing and ended at pretty good.

    Based only on facial expressions, I have to assume that they photoshoped out the giant boner Nathan Fillion was grinding into that other guys back in that header image.

    Yeah. They might end up spending whatever money I give them on drugs for themselves.

    I hope you include 'The Warriors' in that genre. I can't imagine the ridiculousness of that film working anywhere other than late70s/early 80s New York.

    My wife (who, as a rule, hates board games) is a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes and has read every SH story Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published multiple times.

    I think you might be mixing up satire with parody.

    He called Tom Wheeler a dingo. And Tom Wheeler, the Chairman of the FCC, felt he needed to go on record to say that he "was not a dingo".

    I'm assuming he really likes watching Planet Earth in a group setting.

    I was thinking, how bad could it really be, then I clicked through and saw:

    To add to what the naturalcynic said: since 1976 GRRM has written 11 novels, 7 novellas, and 10 short story collections. During the same time period he also wrote/edited 20+ television screen plays and was editor on 35+ anthologies.

    Meh… this sounds more like a particular niche within the larger category of humiliation fetishes. While, I think it would probably be worthwhile for him to talk to a professional to discover if this really is "just" a kink or a deeper issue that needs fixing, it doesn't sound all that different from the high-powered

    1) You better fuck me too because I thought both episodes were super enjoyable.