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    Testing for greyness

    Hey, you're acting like a bit of a jerk but because it seems like this conversation happens every day, for the record:

    Majored in Classics but went to see the film anyways.

    Today. Today… At the edge of our hope, at the end of our time, we have chosen not only to believe in ourselves, but in each other. Today there is not a man nor woman in here that shall stand alone. Not today. Today we face the monsters that are at our door and bring the fight to them! Today, we are *canceling* the

    I bought Ready Player One before a flight when I left the actual book I had been planning on reading at home. I remember because it took me exactly the length of a couple of short-ish flights and layover to finish it. I liked it for that. I remember nothing else about it.

    Never Growth Factor (NGF) has been isolated as one of the important hormone proteins involved in the "rush" of new love. NGF levels spike in new lovers and sharply drop off after about 12 months together.

    Oh man, I had completely forgotten about the giant map of our delivery area that was stuck up on the wall. Usually worked great but heaven help you if you blanked on a couple of turns in the middle of a 3 or 4 house delivery run. The chain I worked for even had a 40 minutes or its free guarantee which might explain

    Ms. Jovovich's titular role in The Fifth Element was enough to leave quite the impression on a newly teen-aged JRB when he saw it in theaters. Did not expect that in a PG-13 rated movie.

    Can confirm. Recovering suburban teenage punk, delivered pizza from ages 16 - 18 and 99% of CDs I played while working were EpiFat (or spinoff labels like Honest Don's). Still one of my all time favorite jobs, because in addition to spending my work time driving around listening to music, I got a free staff pizza

    Just because I love being pedantic about this kind of thing: social generations are generally counted in roughly 30 year blocks of time, so there's always going to be some overlap with the oldest members of a social generation giving birth to its youngest members. This is different than kinship generations which

    I think they just needed to add a couple of additional characters to keep the scenes from feeling too empty with so many of the original cast having scheduling conflicts. And in the spirit of Camp Firewood decided just to act like they had always been a part of the show.

    I enjoyed the whole series but fuck my cock, that scene just take things to a whole other level.

    Just wrapped it up and I really enjoyed it. Doesn't reach the heights of the movie or first day but I'd say it's 3/4 of the way there. The fact that they couldn't get the whole cast together becomes really obvious in the later episodes but I think the last two* might have been my favorites, so not sure how much that

    And occasionally makes international news for being (temporarily) stuck in a hole.

    In addition to being a writer, I believe Ryan North is also a programmer with an MA in computational linguistics. Which I also believe makes Squirrel Girl an autobiographical comic book. (Minus Ryan being a girl, and having the proportional powers of a squirrel, and having a tail, and being a superhero and saving the

    My wife's father spent a good chunk of his career as a high-level operations manager for a couple of different airlines so she often wandered around airports with him when she went to visit him at work. Until her early teens she thought the proper term for the baggage handlers was "baggage smashers" because that's

    You seem pretty convinced that the woman in that second picture has some sort of eating disorder like Anorexia. Which, I will point out, is a legitimate, recognized, diagnosable mental health disorder. A mental health disorder that comes with a whole host of symptoms, including extreme weight loss and a thin

    It's been awhile since I've done any diving (and I'm not a doctor) but if I recall correctly, Decompression Sickness (the bends) is unlike to kill you, although it
    can lead to long term disability if not treated promptly and properly.

    Thanks for taking the time to write such a thoughtful reply!

    Can I ask, what exactly appeals to you about Infinite Jest?