JRapp: now as good as new again

I was losing my mind. The commentators were talking about Bottas, you could see the cards on the grid tracker on the left swapping back and forth, but no idea - I NEED to watch Lewis roll across the line for literally the 100th plus time.

Same thought, but it’s ok: they’re actually hagfish.

It’s a testament to safety standards that this convertible fell seven stories and not only was the driver not killed instantly, but the car looks like it’s simply been in a front end collison. Amazing. I hope the driver is ok.

“When you’re Vice President, you can just grab em by their hardware and they can’t do nothing about it” - Leering Mike Pence


It’s almost the weekend. You know what that means.

i wouldnt call it overcooked... in high powered cars the fastest way to overtake was by just not braking and bouncing that turn :p

I’m going to combine two themes here and suggest a W123 wagon restomod.

It’s a race car. If masonry brick was proven to be the perfect aerodynamic shape, they’d make them look like masonry bricks.

They’re going to do every single thing they can to extract as much performance per square cm, looks be damned. Makes sense to me. You don’t ask the fastest female runner in the world to get a

If Trump can be POTUS I can produce your videos.

First glance at the photo almost brought forth an audible about the banana brake caliper...

But, I thought the “girls car” segment was already covered by this:

D’Ambrosio’s opinion on the Holy Trinity:

how about badges people put on their cars?

By the “YO”

I don’t see any video. Are we sure he wasn’t just driving in reverse?

I think this looks really good except for one issue....they need to ditch the pig nose looking grill. Just make it flat across and it would be fine!

I just can’t get past the catfish front end.