GuacamoleFire - JRCC

You bet your ass I will!

MPG's are a rather stupid measurment

Efficiency is how much fuel used to make a level of HP. If a smaller engine uses more fuel to make the same power, doesn't mean it's more efficient. hp/l is a dumb way to measure anything because, ultimately, who cares? If your car makes 500 hp and gets 25 mpg but has an 8.0L, and your friends car also makes 500 hp

Odd, I was pretty sure the Prowler made it through without an exterior redesign but added the fake powertrain.

Welcome to our new feature on Jalopnik, "Will it Bear?" where we assess the adequacy of various vehicles to transport your furry ursine friend.

The Beetle does retro wheels better.

I like it.

Yes, damn it. I love it. We need more retro.

A fucking FRAM OIL FILTER?!? Drifting on dirt and in garages and generally being a hooligan I can see, but putting an orange can of death on that car is just unconscionable.


Thankfully the segment is incredibly small lol

Not content to let Ford have the small performance truck market all to themselves with the upcoming Ford Tremor, Chevrolet is firing back with a new small truck concept that packs a V8 engine, some Camaro goodies, and an exhaust that's gonna let people know.

"Not content to let Ford have the small performance truck market all to themselves"

I have to laugh when I hear Eco, 6.2 liter V8 and Truck in the same sentence.

If bringing an F40 back from the grave, and painting it black and putting different wheels on it is "fucking it up worse then the asshole driver who crashed it in the first place", i dont even want to know what you think of what other people do when they modify cars. yikes.

Maserati's...concept car?
Maserati's...wedge-shaped awesomeness?
Maserati's what? Y U leave us hanging?

This comparison, as i'm sure many others have pointed out, has no real point, or at least there's no real point comparing the F12 to the others. 9 out of 10 people who can afford an F12 (and to whom Ferrari would sell one!) wouldn't even consider the Corvette, and would definitely look further up the Porsche price

you might be standing in the minority square on this one. the 458 is a great looking car for most people, myself included.

Your childhood didn't have a product placement deal with GM.