GuacamoleFire - JRCC

Me encanta la idea que se pueda escuchar naturalmente el sonido ambiental. Siempre usé los viejos auriculares que filtran mucho sonido y desde que me “modernicé” a los nuevos auriculares con cancelación, odio tener que poner y sacar los auriculares para poder hablar con alguien o escuchar algo.

Lavado de dinero 

No es que duela nada. Podemos comer carne cruda pero la cocción es una especie de pre sugestión que nos permite aprovechar mejor los nutrientes. A demás elimina bacterias y parásitos.

So, I’m going to be “that guy’ and disagree with most of this list.

Old boomers hold them to a level that makes them seem like they’re street legal top fuel dragsters, and they are absolutely not. A big 400+ cubic inch V8 that makes an advertised 350+ horsepower until you realize that was measured without and accessories or even a transmission hooked up. Then add a 3 speed auto or 4

Era motor eléctrico. Piensa que en la época de los dinosaurios no usaban petróleo porque era como usar a su misma especie como combustible!!!

Can someone show me a crossover with a car alternative that has more room due to its car-like suspension components? Most crossovers that I am aware of have, more or less, the same hard points to mount all the suspension bits to. Typically all the suspension differences tends to be in things like control arms,

Ya le cae el Copyright y que se olvide de lo que hizo. 

el planeta se arregla solo, siempre lo ha hecho... el proceso con el que lo hace es el que no nos va a gustar...

No nos lo estamos cargando, ya nos lo hemos cargado. El tema es si vamos a llevar a cabo acciones conque arreglarlo y si vamos a poder hacerlo aún que se dé la utopía de que toda la esfera política mundial se vuelque en ello.

Yo seguiré siendo fiel a firefox

“ya turnamos tu queja al departamento correspondiente”

But come on, man, Branson’s stunt only barely cleared that.

Why the hate? Someone’s gotta fork over the big bucks if our governments won’t. Let the Bazillionare Space Race commence, and godspeed, I say. We’ll get some actual technological advancements that will further mankind’s journey into the cosmos, while also having a chance to witness some one-percenter explode on

Please; please; please change the title of this article.

The whole onus of putting the burden of “the hunt” on another person because we are to damn fat and lazy to get our greasy asses of the couch and actually find what we need rather than clicking a button on a website is wrong. But here we are. The once proud and noble race of humans that fought, clawed and bled our way

It’s an interesting thing that’s happened over the last 30-40-50 years maybe. pendulum has certainly moved from workers’ rights/working condition to heavy support for the c-suite (not even counting the “rockstar” CEOs).

We’ve really vilified the poor. You’re poor because you’re dumb or don’t work hard. And speaking up

We have created an asperational american mythology that we all could be rich someday. And we have done so for a very long time well over 100 years. We are raised believing the mertiocracy means the best people are the rich ones otherwise they would not be rich. I disagree but that is the poison of the lie of meritocrac

Why is it so many people worship the rich? The cost of having billionaires like Jeff Bezos is thousands of people pissing in bottles in warehouses and overworked drivers like this guy.

Algunos ya hicimos un posdoctorado en eso.