mort walker's still doing 7 strips a week in the afterlife

I have never met anyone who referenced Pamela, ever, ever. This is a good day.

I thought the movie was about everyone being terrible.

If film weren’t important, the representation of POC and queer identities wouldn’t be as important as it is today. The need of representations is real. We are the stories we tell ourselves.

imagine if Kevin Spacey just made all those boys burgers instead

Alan Ball’s characters seem to be written as unlikable. There really wasn’t a single likable character on 6 Feet Under. They were all selfish narcissists. American Beauty also had no redeeming characters (the daughter was sorta OK).

I hated how the movie had him quitting his “stressful” job and working at McDonalds with a huge smile. I still know executives who mention that as a dream - because they just assume low-paid customer service jobs are easy and fun and have no stress at all. You could tell the producer/writer had no clue what it’s

This. The daughter, her friend, and the next door neighbor kid are the only really sympathetic characters in the movie. Wonder if that was the point - showing how the selfish acts of the parents were messing with their kids. At least that’s what I remember, it has been a while since I watched it.

I am curious. Are you against films that examine the reality of our lives or do you crave false narratives that celebrate woke men who do not actually exist in society. I think sometimes a good film shows you the hard truth. It is not required to offer the politically correct fantasy we expect of men, but will never

Lester reminded me of my dad and I always just found him pathetic. Like it’s gross when your dad is hitting on the cashier in the grocery store and that chick is in your biology class. And when you complain about it, “what, I was just being nice.” It’s like no, you were being gross.

I never felt bad for Lester, he always made me uncomfortable. I felt sorry for the daughter, the girl Lester preys on, and the moody next door neighbor with the asshole dad. I think I mostly ignored the mom because as a teen girl I couldn’t relate to her storyline as much, but I sure as fuck knew how it felt to be