
Sure, perhaps they should have known better. Perhaps it was naive for any of these women to go into Weinstein’s hotel room expecting to be treated professionally and respectfully there. But then what? Just give up, leave their careers, and go home? Part of the problem is what Weinstein did to those women in his hotel

This is only news because the money wasn’t sent to a mega church.

I mean, look at the color of the statue. Maybe the cops just saw bunch of white folks with a rope around a dark figure, and assumed it was business as usual.

No SPRINKLERS? What the fuck kind of fire codes does London have? How is that legal?

a world without assholes who don’t use their turning signal (and their clueless brethren, the people who leave their turning signal on long after they’ve switched lanes)

Honestly I don’t even think that’s it. They’re just the loudest assholes on the internet, I think more people are just burnt out. My husband is comic book loving geek and we are both pretty much over Marvel movies at this point. I couldn’t give a shit about another Spider-Man movie, The Avengers have been over

Fuck this shit.

The French Revolution was a revolt against an Ancien Regime that while may have started with novel motivation soon devolved into the Reign of terror. The Russian Revolution was started to destroy the old feudal system which eventually ended up destroying millions upon millions of lives.

SERIOUSLY. By making the movie’s outsiders the Mean Girls, they’re no longer outsiders, and it’s impossible to root for them because they’re the Mean Girls, so... we’re left with conventionally attractive, heteronormative, and socially adept people to root for? WAITAMINNIT.

No. Listen, if this was a guy people would be calling for lengthy prison time, and rightfully so. Same thing for her. Unless she was delusional she knew children under 1 are not supposed to live on just fruit and nuts.

“While fisherman report seeing a few dead bodies from failed migratory crossings before, this is by far the worst in the area”

I assume this is going to pan out to be true and I don’t have much difficulty believing he did just what he is accused of. That said I’ve come to believe it is best practice to take allegations of abuse, neglect etc by one parent against the other with at least a small grain of salt when separation and custody are

We could decide once and for all just what police can be called for. Currently, they seem to get called to handle everything, despite not having training for handling it, mainly because we don’t have services for handling and enforcing social crap that isn’t usually violent.

Police make up part of their funding by issuing tickets for minor infractions, this disproportionately affects poor people. It’s not some magnanimous, publicly funded force.

“And I think part of my annoyance with this comes from the idea that we’re so touchy about things; like, we’re not. That’s the thing.”

I think she should be able to work again, but a communications professor blocking journalists from a public area and saying bring some muscle (a threat) is a very, very, very bad look. That and her non-apology, I know I sure as hell wouldn’t want her working for any department I was involved with.

She is trash. If she held conservative opinions people here would be clamoring for her to be beheaded.

Frankly I find schools judging these issues is insane and never a good outcome for anyone. The sad fact is the police aren’t much better. If only we had a real life SVU that were specifically trained for this.

I mean, my job history is an entire other matter that I won’t get into, but the general issue is that by being so closed off about our salaries, we allow companies to get away with underpaying employees. The goal is equal pay for equal work, and lack of transparency makes that goal that much harder to achieve.

When I was job hunting a bit less than a decade ago, the “common wisdom” among my fellow interviewee ladies was also that you shouldn’t wear an engagement (or wedding) ring—but back then the reasoning was not that potential employers would assume you were high maintenance. Rather, the rumored thinking was that an