
Leo and the model? I don’t care... they’re both consenting adults, and his out of town girlfriend has to have known what she was getting into, or she is delusional.

I read that as Cho’s way of brushing off any need to address the fact that the second billed role (Mordo) was changed from the source material in favor of casting a black actor.

Not so much if the person being shamed and objectified is a white cis male.

And then everyone stood up and applauded!

Maybe there were two other columns labelled “Marry” and “Fuck” that aren’t getting mentioned, since a “Kill” column alone makes for more sensational press? If such lists aren’t in evidence, maybe the police just didn’t find those notebooks?

Another reason I don’t play Scrabble competitively. Too many foreign words included as “official” English in their dictionary. Sorry, no, “xu” is not a real English word.

“Men don’t do enough in child rearing!”

What is the approved method of implementing this?

Geez, look what she’s wearing! Of course it is her fault!

Unless it is made of insanely small rings in a very tight pattern... but then it wouldn’t drape that well. So yeah,, not mail.

Yeah, lets look for a way to shift some blame to the man.

Poo mounded so high in the bowl that the poo peak was above the rim.

They’re not confident in their looks as fat old white dudes. They’re confident in their wealth/power/fame/status, which is what, not entirely wrongly, they think society judges men by.

Neither have I. But I have watched films/tv shows and thought “huh, this was mediocre (at best), and the diversity seemed shoehorned in”

The answer is not to pork up, but to become rich, famous, and/or powerful. Or be on a sitcom.

It makes the poor think that crime/prison is worse than being poor.

They could also do it by conducting aggressive naval patrols, seizing ships carrying refugees, putting the refugees ashore in the ship’s country of origin, then sinking the ships used to do this.

Or maybe used a harsh tone of voice?

Or he’d let most of them slide, slowly slipping deeper and deeper into social isolation and utilitarian (rather than enjoyable) living as he gets older.