
4-8% of US servicemen in WWI were African Americans. About 5% of France’s troops in Europe were colonials. I didn’t find numbers for the British, who used colonial troops extensively (mostly Indian) but they mostly did not use them on the western front.

“Critics say that Rich Cohen’s writing expresses a maturity decades ahead of his actual age. He is a precocious wit!”

White matters, but woman matters more.

Maybe he has 20 live-in servants? Each gets their own room/closet, and the servants have their own chef’s kitchen and library, since the billionaire can’t eat food/read books from the hoi palloi facilities?

“We are not going to move forward as a race until we start valuing women’s and children’s lives as much as we value men’s lives.”

A little looking online :

No statutory rape took place under Florida law, as he not 3+ years older than her.

This is a long article, but it might be worth a read.

Or quid pro quo. Both guys are bartenders. One roofies the other’s date on Friday, then the other roofies the first one’s date on saturday, or whatever.

Every table gets a little napkin dispenser that dispenses little plastic bags that can be sealed only once. Each bag has an individual number on it, and on a peel away sticker. If you need to leave your drink alone, you put it in a bag, seal it, then peel and take the sticker with you. If the bag has been unsealed

From when they sue the city for what he did while he was the city’s agent?

There’s no market for upper middle class middle aged white men. Nobody wants them in a sexual way.

Hey, now, solitary confinement is torture, and really no different than waterboarding. Or so I was told in another article’s comments section.

Lanza did use his mother’s gun...

The “white” school is 48% white, 45% black, 7% other.

This isn’t a case of one HS for blacks, and one for whites. It is more one for blacks, and the other is mixed about 50/50. Still odd, but not “My God, Brown vs Board never touched this town”

Ah, never mind... someone else beat me to it.

Maybe men just don’t have sufficient levels of narcissism to think everyone needs to be constantly updated on their inner lives and feelings.

I wonder if they have people ready to tackle the victim in case their ‘social experiment’ really, really, sets them off. I can some people choosing to try to beat the hell out of the child predator, for example.

If nobody expects anything good from you, and you don’t give them anything good, you’re just meeting expectations. No rage induced.