
But society does care. Hence the headline asking why popular attractive and talented people kill themselves. Others society already has a comfortable answer for. Either that, or it just doesn’t care that they do.

There are ~50,000 women in jail (not prison) at any given time throughout the country.

You seem to have made a lot of assumptions as well, from my point of view.

Hm. The majority of my working life has been in buildings that have had cleaning crew there in the daytime (mainly keeping the bathrooms from becoming absolutely disgusting by mid day and emptying the trash as need) along with building engineers, mail clerks, and several other physically active positions.

If we’re all allowed to set up appliances where ever we go, and all of us are more or less tied to a desk or meeting table while doing our work, that might be feasible. But if that’s the case then people who think the default environment is too cold can set up an electric space heater just as easily.

Can I take set up my fan in the middle of the conference table at meetings? I am pretty sure someone who is too cold can wear their sweater or suit jacket to meetings AND at their desk...

Simplified : “Your discomfort doesn’t trump my discomfort.”

I remember when that guy who was wrongly imprisoned in California got his settlement. I don’t know how it was worked out, but I did some math and it was pretty close to minimum wage 24 hours a day with overtime for hours past 40/week for the whole 20 something years he was in. Maybe this is similar but based on

$5.9 million is 70 cents per New Yorker. Seems like a pretty cheap, when you look at it that way, doesn’t it?

Any indication of how much the family will actually get of that 5.9 million, after lawyer fees and taxes?

Or they will just shrug and leave everything broken, while saying “You had something, and you broke it. Live with it.”

I am always amazed at the way a thread criticizing someone for criticizing a woman's body always seems to get around to criticizing some other woman's body.

A ‘dialogue’ where possible dissenters are told to shut up and listen looks a lot like a monologue to me.

Seems a fine system. Delivery specialists (midwives) handle the delivery, but there is a doctor, with all of his/her training and equipment right there to handle any emergencies that are beyond the delivery specialist’s training/knowledge.

Neither do they confirm it. Could be that they simply can’t say one way or the other, so they didn’t address it?

All arguments that don’t involve actually being a victim, anyway.

Chastity shorts.

Does time spent on this maternity leave count towards fulfilling one’s enlistment contract?

It has always struck me as funny that the most socialist large organization in the country is the military, yet members of that organization so often seem to come down on the ‘anti-socialism’/conservative side of the political spectrum.