Cable commentators, like Pavlov’s dogs, often salivate when an attempt to say something nice about President Donald…
Cable commentators, like Pavlov’s dogs, often salivate when an attempt to say something nice about President Donald…
The dumbest portion being...most of them?
It’s very disrespectful to baseball to see people enjoying themselves. I wish these players would read the unwritten rule book and act like professionals.
“in some ways, even though his picture is not there, Colin Kaepernick is there.”
And still, the discussion Colin has paid for with his career still is being ignored. Sigh.
Impassioned speeches, elaborate handshakes, and weird meals are all played out. The new hot thing in pregame rituals…
This is great news about erecting a statue to honor this great man. I am ashamed to say I have never heard of Octavius Catto. So, he got murdered by racist white people for trying to uphold black people’s rights. I am sure some white people will be offended if you bring that up today.
Hey, her home team is probably the 0-3 Giants, this seems awfully convenient.
There’s an alternate NBC universe where Thursday nights are:
They can do free speech on their own time? Really?! That’s this government official’s response to peaceful, silent, non disruptive protests occurring during privately funded sporting events? Holy shit.
The “not racist” country wants these guys to stop, but when it comes to Nazi’s hey man 1st Amendment!
Fair disclosure: all the days UNC requested were in 2021.
YES. Exacerbating this issue is how much you have to pay attention to each one of these shows to catch every fuckin’ plot twist and piece of dialogue. TV has become too stressful I guess I have to start reading books or something.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive-thru.
There are too many shows on TV. Too many shows! Who can watch all of these shows? I can’t watch all of these shows.
His most important qualification is clearly highlighted in the image in the upper left of your screengrab.
This is one of the happiest, feel good songs ever made.