I think “Co-Op” is my second-favorite episode. “Waiting for the Artist” is one of my favorite half-hours of anything ever.
I think “Co-Op” is my second-favorite episode. “Waiting for the Artist” is one of my favorite half-hours of anything ever.
As far as their faux Docs go, Co-Op is my favorite, with Mulaney and Killam standouts. I will listen to the Cast Recording now and again—Paula Pell singing “I Gotta Go” is a favorite. A fun quick playlist on Spotify.
Yes, the majority of big tech’s “innovations” are old ideas done worse.
For the love of god will someone else please bring up that Dorothea shares the exact same composition as the National’s cover of Give it to Teddy from Bob’s Burgers?
I get that they were made by the same people, but COME ON.
The NFL this week approved a rule that prohibits players from lowering their helmets to initiate contact. Because…
In a recent interview with Variety, Les Charles, one of the co-creators of Cheers, reflected on the 25th anniversary…
Another rule: all teams that play in the Badlands are called the Browns. Hockey, base ball, whatever. They are the Browns. Browns vs. Browns. Fans are forced to wear brown at the stadium.
Look. Pitchers getting hit in the head by batted balls happens all the time, and is no joke. But I dare you to watch…
Probably just should have used the japanese translation and referred to him as Shiba Inu.
With conservative ideology in political and cultural ascendancy, there’s no better time to be worried about whether…
OK Dirty Computer Mind would be the ultimate Radiohead/Prince/Janelle Monae mashup album.
You step into a street you thought was empty—then you hear it. A car is careening toward you, tires squealing as the…
The Chamber of Commerce has such a quaint and welcoming name. Yet it is one of the foremost forces in the country…
Plenty of professional wrestlers were able to become kids’ heroes; it is, after all, a battle between good and evil.…
Figures nerds would be into small ball.
On March 26, a top game development studio in Korea released an unusual statement about one of its employees: “The…
At his peak, no one was funnier than Jim Carey.
Jim Carey absolutely crushes this
... officials at the FDNY took action against his harassers, transferring firefighters and their supervisors out of the firehouse.