
I know a guy who has 3. Apparently the Marines decided they needed their own jeep, and specified that it be exponentially more expensive, abysmally unreliable, and utterly impossible to repair in the field. The final spec demanded that no spare parts be manufactured during its operational lifespan, and that it have no

I’m interested, but I’m holding out and waiting on:

Carbon-neutral Unicorns

100% of US electrical consumption in 2018 was 96% of US electrical capacity; less than 1% of electrical production came from Petroleum.

Our power grid out here in California can handle it. Unless it’s windy.

Another “tax-cut” for the rich- those wealthy enough to turn in an old VW for a $3000 tax break on a $50K golf cart.

It is why, in part, Ford stopped making sedans and small cars entirely.”

The cabbie unions who paid out big pushing for it and politicians they bought.

Obama’s 2011 rule changes favor larger, heavier and less fuel efficient Trucks and SUVs, and foreign imports.

You should probably check out NASCAR and Indy; the fastest and slowest cars are 0.5 seconds apart, and are determined by the fastest pit crew.

We might all be driving electric cars, steam-powered cars, jet-propelled cars, electric cars powered by a small turbine, or cars sucked to the ground by giant vacuums had the manufacturers been allowed to compete to build the best car instead of being told what to build.

I’m amped as all heck to see if we’ll have more than one or two competitive teams racing”...

Nori is seaweed paper which has that same kind of sheen to it. Only building 100 cars must reflect our sad ambition to bully the economy into a recession before the 2020 election tho.

Well at least all that money made the air cleaner.

I’ve rented maybe 50 cars so far this year. The worst was over the 4th of July in San Diego: a 2019 SS Camaro with a > 5,000 miles and rear tire so completely out of balance it was scary to drive. About as disappointing as it can get.

My family opened one of the 1st union HVAC companies on the west coast in the 1920's; three generations later we had to shut it down in the 1990's. Not for lack of work— but because the biggest checks we wrote were to the Union and the Government, which escalated every year and left nothing for the workers, including

This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with emissions.

Muuuuuch experience on this; forget the auto polish...

I ALMOST bought an ATS-V last year after a test drive, but then I walked the circle around the auto mall to calm down and looked at other $75K compact sedans; which clearly nobody at GM bothered to do.

Thanks, and I don’t know - but doesn’t look like I’m greyed out anymore.