If the cats don’t get a spot on the spaceship with the Uranians, I’d love to have one. They are really good at sniffing out bugs planted by the government and The Illuminati. IRS, however, not so much.
If the cats don’t get a spot on the spaceship with the Uranians, I’d love to have one. They are really good at sniffing out bugs planted by the government and The Illuminati. IRS, however, not so much.
The article from Secret Tour Pro lost all credibility for me. No fucking way he is living in Albany.
I know it’s late in the game, and you are sick of describing him, but my daughter calls him Toupee’ Fiasco. I am very proud of her.
And in the bizarro version of Christianity, people of “religion” are tripping over themselves defending Donald Trump from the Pope. If Christians were all like Monty Williams, Donald Trump/Rubio/Cruz/Huckabee would all be in a different line of work. Someday maybe.
The best way to put it is to compare it to how the Smurfs used “Smurf”. Could be good, could be bad. All in the context.
Either there was just an earthquake, or that was the sound of all of the collective heads at Fox News exploding. How fast can Sarah Palin’s speech writer come up with a new classic? And don’t tell me she writes her own stuff. It is way too sublimely genius for her to have anything to do with.
Why do I have a feeling Sam Hinkie is in the front row, making deals?
As an Eagle fan, I grudgingly respected Coughlin and appreciate his contributions to the game....almost as much as I appreciate the crying Eli GIF. The GIF that will keep on giving.
He can't blame the cue cards.
Can you imagine how many second round picks Sam Hinkie can get for this guy? Then, you turn those second round picks into a point guard from Turkey who will probably be pretty good in a few years (if all goes well with his compulsory military service). Doesn’t matter, because there is a kid in the pipeline who…
Philly media looking as bad as Chip’s play calling. They are getting scooped by season ticket holders’ Facebook feeds! It almost makes this trainwreck of a season a little easier knowing that Les Bowen is probably having a conniption. Almost.
How about Jimmy Chitwood? First thing I thought of. Even Basketball Mark Zuckerberg is amazed at the resemblance.
Thank God he was a punter. He was easily identifiable due to the single bar face mask.