
I’ve got some specialized aluminum head protection still in stock. They are excellent at protecting against radio signals and other mind altering invisible fields. Let me know if you’re interested. I’ll even throw in some Potassium Iodide with every purchase. You can never have enough!

Have you ever sucked on a straw to drink a beverage? Did you instantly inhale your coke? How did you survive long enough to learn how to use the internet and post on here?

Not just ‘Cyber’ but ‘the cyber’. Nobody knows the cyber like me.

-1 for lack of use of the word “Cyber”

I will build a great firewall — and nobody builds firewalls better than me, believe me —and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great firewall on our nameservers, and I will make hackers pay for that firewall. Mark my words.