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    The IP and business practices you refer to have been around since way before GMOs. Plants have been patented since the 1930s. Outside of heirloom varieties, pretty much ALL commercial agricultural seeds have/had patents. Patents only last 20 years and are a primary tool for businesses to recoup R&D costs. Why

    Seriously? Do you even understand how how Narcan works? It’s an opiate blocker and does basically nothing if you don’t have opiates in your system.

    God no....No, no, no, no.... It has a raised center that makes it a PITA for practically anything. We got one from Amazon, tried it once and immediately returned it..

    I’m not sure anything he said can stand up to accepted scientific methods.

    By one-piece, they mean something like this. It’s all smooth silicone on the outside - no nooks or crannies for anything to get into. I’ve had something like it for awhile now and the one-piece model is far superior to anything else.