JPP's Club Association

can confirm that Ben Shapiro is 5'4" and the new rumor is that he also drinks peepee like mama’s good boy

Fair enough as far as Kyrgios, but to lump Hewitt in with these dummies is silly. That guy would could have been down 2 breaks to his own grandmother and would have fired overheads at her neck for a point.

It will never work here, NOT because of its feasibility, but rather because of the inherent selfishness that has become “America”. If I can’t have it, neither can you.

While on the subject of “mixed economies” and goalpost moving, it’s also funny how a country with a mandatory government retirement fund, single-payer healthcare for the elderly, a vast network of government built-and-maintained interstate highways, government-run public schools, etc. is somehow classified as

Or maybe, just MAYBE, the US doesn’t actually have “a good mix of both,” but rather “a toxic mixture of significantly more of one than the other.”

Quality of life for actual people on the ground when the Soviets took over and got worse when the Soviet Union fell, you mental midget.

I think the next logical step in this peaceful, healthy debate / exchange is for capitalists to live in / be embedded in a laissez-faire capitalist country for 6 months. Sans any of the social democratic benefits they’ve expressed concerns about.


Lmao the federalist

are you offering to bankroll me in scandanavia for 6 months? because i’m definitely in

Could be worse. They could be libertarians or god forbid, Republicans.

I find it very entertaining when volunteers get fired. My crazy aunt got canned from a hospital candy-striping job because she wouldn’t let police up to hospital rooms if they didn’t have a visitor’s pass. She also got fired from running a grief support group because she told a bunch of young widows that they wouldn’t

To be fair, the situation turned into a total windfall for her now that she’s collecting unemployment.

Dropping the “Hussein” when referring to Obama and resorting to juvenile insults like “libtard” is a telltale sign you’ve lost the argument. Also, it was the right who were criticizing Obama over his golfing while expecting no one to say anything about Trump, despite Trump on Twitter complaining about Obama and

Right. $3.6 million for a golf weekend is a LOT. Now imagine someone doing that EVERY FUCKING WEEKEND like Trump is doing.

His golf “relaxation” has cost this country $10million in one month. Presidents do not get every weekend off. It’s insane and wasteful and an abuse of the office.

“Hypocrisy” is one of those words only “elitists” and “libtards” understand, because education is something to be viewed with suspicion and fear.

Very true BUT asshole is not breaking the law.

When driving home after work, I generally sit in the right hand lane near the speed limit (70mph on I75 north of Detroit) as I’m not in any real hurry and traffic is light.’re kinda a jerk...(actually, remove the kinda...).