JPP's Club Association

Splice to jalopnik

Al was a curmudgeon in that he wanted it done his way. For most of his life, that was the best way.

Have to pass that off.

Not like this. This was a throwback to the 70s.

*isn’t supposed to be lawless.

Brady took plenty of those in the snow game last year, with no call. As did most of the QBs the Broncos played last year. This seems to be something more specific to their defense than the complexions of the QB. Not sure even Seattle gets the same amount of leeway from the refs (or from the league?).

Counterpoint - Carolina’s secondary isn’t close to good, Thomas and Sanders dragged Manning and Tebow to semi-competence, and if Denver had given up the 1000 yards in penalties they should have, Siemian is walking off with a loss. With the only difference from last year being an ability to throw the ball past the line

One would think so, but sadly no.

It’ll die out after they lose their 7th game.

Dirtiest team in league history. The 70s Raiders think they go too far.

Yep. If it didn’t affect the throw, it was late. And if it did affect the throw, how the FUCK was it grounding?

You wrote an email to Drew after he criticized your team, didn’t you?

Anyone continuing this idiotic trend also cares about justice for Barb.

There isn’t a dirtier team in NFL history than this era’s Denver Broncos.

How appropriate. That graph is like a snake rearing up to stop someone stepping on it.

You do if you think it’s the only shot you’ve got.

Eh. Given Brady was essentially playing without an offensive line, hard to fault going for it. Easy to say they should have kicked both, but they didn’t expect to get that many chances by that point.

Skip Bayless is a character played by Skip Bayless.

It can still be about states’ rights. Most notably, the right to keep slaves.

That the same Kam Chancellor who tried to decapitate Edelman in the Super Bowl?