
I worked on this ship as a contractor for 4 years. It has never shown the ability to pass any testing even during simulated attacks. I was fired last month because I was told the funding has been pulled for this program by the Pentagon. But in reality, I think it was because I was one of few engineers who from the

Real name: Juliana Kincaid

Can I ask for a star before you go? Pretty Please!

Has there been a more read story than your iPhone story in the history of Gawker Media? That was an amazing day! Good luck in your new adventures!

I could swear watching this or similar documentary on PBS. Matter of fact it was posted on Gizmodo. I wish I could find the link.

Took 2 minutes. Alain Ducasse is the executive chef. Citizen of Monaco. It was featured in the final season of Sex and the City.

Aviation is spelled incorrectly inside the map graphic. #corrections

So he died while an MKZ donkey punched him?

Not lonely. I can see enough to be able to say she is pretty. Thank you for trolling, please move along now.

"Parrot’s New Headphones Are Mighty Purty". So is the readhead.

Oh damnit!!! I always thought we also fought in WWI and WWII. Damn you wrong history books! Also, I work in the Defense Contracting. And believe me, wars in the middle east have been greatly beneficial to my employer and many of our competitors.

Just signup for a free account at Get your free score and report.

Thanks for the warning on the Pic!

She reminds me of my favorite 80s pornstar: All of them!

This is a brilliant idea. I think its an awesome way to make sure you never miss a delivery when not home and when you don't trust anyone else to receive you sex doll.

You had to throw being British in there didn't you? you sarcastic British twat!

Shucking is a process of removing the husks from the cob. So technically you do shuck the cob.

Or you can move out here to LA where you can enjoy BBQing all year long. (CAUTION: There may be traces of smog in your food.)

Here are two things I have yet to use on my apple devices. These two things Apple made the biggest deal about but I have yet to use them in the sense I can call them useful features. Facetime and the Thunderbolt port. The port I understand because there aren't many affordable accessories for it. But facetime? I have

My first mac is only a month old. MBP 13". I was a staunch PC user for years. I can't say if this is better than windows 7 because windows does so much more. But for most of the time, web browsing and word processing are better on a mac. Windows can be so much faster on similar hardware specs in my opinion. But I am