
Increase in youth usage, health concerns on the rise, crime, and incidents of driving while high. Not to mention future issues like lack of motivation, marijuana being a gateway to other drugs and tax burdens for future health burdens related to psychological issues among users.

I think the legalization of marijuana has not proved to be a great thing.  It appears many negative results have occurred.  Now, the people who should be concerned are high achievers who will be on the hook for care related to users and also have to work with them in many industries.  

Factually, Democrats controlled both houses the first 2yrs of Obama’s presidency. Congress was split for the middle 4, which is typical. The last 2yrs Congress was controlled by the Republicans, which is clearly due to the People becoming jaded with Obama’s leadership and ability.  It was during those final years that

I think Dany’s decision is pretty clear.  Submit to her love, submit to the true heir.  Hopefully she can move from mother of dragons to mother of kings. 

Yeah, I would be for whichever one in the lineage was male, regardless of age. He should rule and his wife should provide further progeny. The female heir should always be skipped over. But her sibling should always ensure her safety.  That’s how I would do it.

Yeah, let’s blame Trump for running with how the dude from VA described this process on the radio.  Wake up Dems.  This is your parties policy.  If you don’t like it, stand up and either demand your party be better or vote for Trump.  Just don’t bury your head in the sand.

I agree, and that is a fair assessment of how Obama ran his White House and why Clinton could delete thousands of emails w/out indictment.  But, we have Trump now and a Congress split b/n Senate and House across party lines.  This is where we need to be, finally.

I agree.  Let’s just call it.  The Warriors are the Warriors and the Rockets don’t have the talent or heart to beat them.

First, if you are talking about the “Merrick” issue, there was nothing abnormal or unconstitutional about the Republican play to ensure they had a chance at an appointment if a Republican had won 2016.

Who doesn’t? Each and every day throughout every administration including our current one, checks and balances play out to ensure neither branch of government is overstepping their bounds or working against the Constitution and laws of our land.

America cannot become a dictatorship. We have Presidential term limits and a three branch system with checks and balances.

I completely agree and in a show like this, stars should be lining up to get the axe.

I don’t want Dems to become Republicans, I would prefer they just become more like them.  I just prefer they not be liberals.

So, widowers were putting benefits in their children’s name and those benefits were being taxed differently than in previous years due to an unintended consequence that the GOP will fix retroactively...sounds like the way things should work.  

I think with Bob Woodward’s recent call for investigations into the dossier to be re-opened, we are all starting to get who the real criminals are.

Sorta like if a left-winger actually explained why they feel Mexicans and Central Americans flooding into this country outside actual policies is important to them?

I think we need to figure out the English language here folks. There is nothing wrong with “nationalism.” It is a political ideology which can be espoused by people of any race in any country.

I think if Americans were intelligent they would reject socialism, the green new deal, wealth taxes, open borders, government run health care and ignoring collusion with Russia to purchase a dossier, spy on an American citizen and lie to a Fisa court to launch a two year witch hunt...but here we are.

The depression is mounting.  How do you beat a guy who despite spending his first term under investigation for political reasons concocted by the Democratic party, has lifted the economy, raised wages, lowered unemployment, enacted criminal justice reform, filled 2 SC vacancies with brilliant jurists, took on trade,

I agree.  The Democrats have done this to themselves.  With news of them colluding with Russia on the dossier and spying on Trump to how they behaved during Kavanaugh, not to mention the numerous media blunders and Adam Schiff’s role in the Mueller report witch hunt, if most Americans think, Trump should win in a