Dr. Tobias Funke (Analrapist)

Sajak: Let's get ready for another tossup:

It still makes no sense to me why you guys leave Killzone Mercenary off this list again, when Fahey gave it a glowing review. Are you guys trying to say something about Fahey? Does my man not get the respect he deserves?? Seriously, his glowing review was on point about the game, and the fact that you guys continously

Rice Krispie Treats cereal is not on this list.

Can anyone make sense of the headline?

Hey diddle diddle,
I punched her over spittle.

Somewhere, Darren Sharper just got an erection.

touch teleport is OP, i was really wary to try it but after forcing myself to do it for a level or 2, not before i read someone suggesting it and thinking about the advantages, i really cave in. it's bloody instant, and much more precise. finger travel time is still way faster than the crosshair travel time unlike

I picked up the original on bluray last week. I highly recommend it if you like Robocop. The cleanup they did makes the movie look as good as it deserves. I hadn't seen it in many years and it was still awesome.

Except he's not being an ass, watch the second video, he could have bet more money and kicked the girl off for sure even if she won if he only bet a dollar more, but instead puts his bet to bring it to her max should they both be correct which they were. In doing so, he ensured she'd receive her prize money and get

Confused why #fuckcoke is trending on twitter. I thought Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose

Pretty good!

She was robbbed. That is the perfect encapsulation of the Seahawks bandwagon — an aggressively batshit declaration of devotion that we all know is going to disappear from sight in 6-8 weeks.

But the PS4 does have real technical advantages from a hardware perspective. The ESRAM in the X1 isn't magic. MS will really have to press for software optimization to make up the slack and that's a LOT of slack to make up.

It's funny. The only people who seem to genuinely care about PC gaming being better than console gaming...are the PC gamers. Developers don't give a shit who wins, console gamers don't give a shit. Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft don't give a shit. Just PC gamers.

Every time someone mentions console gaming, there's

This would be great as two sets. One of the mansion, one of the cave, that stack on top of one another. Similar to what they did for Jabba's Palace/Rancor Pit a year or so ago.

I just downloaded Killzone Mercenary less than a month ago at full price. Definitely worth $9

This is mesmerizing. I wonder if he's going to throw the chair again? Yep, yep he is.

Vous etes si belle, Aveline. Assassin's Creed: Liberation's HD facelift looks pretty impressive. The remastered version of the game that debuted as a Vita exclusive will be out next week for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.