I’d consider buying one now at $200 for the mario and donkey kong games alone.
I’d consider buying one now at $200 for the mario and donkey kong games alone.
yeah cause protecting human life makes one a terrible person....
I recommend listening to the Tony Kornheiser show podcast - same kind of thing - it’s nominally a sports show, but they talk politics, movies, music, old man stuff. Really entertaining.
Pretty sure it was her SISTER who was a survivor of sexual abuse....from her....shoving rocks in her vagina...but yeah, lets prop her up as a role model...
I find the NBA really boring, especially since we’re doing nothing but waiting until the inevitable Cavs-GS finals next spring. Hockey ftw (although it has some of the same issues as football regarding player safety, it’s not nearly as unwatchable).
What’s disingenuous is that if they had such a problem with Trump, they should have stopped staying at his hotels a long time ago - it’s now just the cool thing to do to shit all over him now that he’s won, but he’s been the same tool for a long time. All this whining is so fucking annoying and is part of the reason…
Being a hypocrite does, however.
yeah because it’s only MINORITIES that didn’t have their vote counted. Fuck you.
Last night’s ump was actually calling strikes when they were only strikes too, which helped draw the walks as well. You HAD to throw it across the plate to be a strike, unlike game one where there was an extra 3 inches on either side of the plate being called (for both teams, but still).
Stuff like this is why I haven’t watched a game yet the last two seasons - playoff baseball and October hockey are more exciting than this garbage
So let me guess, you’re in the same frame of mind as Phil “Advise” who refuses to believe any “statistics” about the black community, saying that the greater threat to a black American is the 70+% of children being born out of wedlock, the lack of fathers being the #1 determining factor of lack of success, and that…
actually if we didn’t have ISLAM we wouldn’t have ISIL, dumbass
I have three Atlas stones so far....I’ve heard you’re not supposed to ever sell them. That’s correct right?
I just found a entire system that has these gravity ball things. Really annoying to get cause the sentinels get on your ass, but I’ve been upgrading my pack pretty easily now just hopping around the planet, finding those and the gold deposits, and selling them.
I bring my steak to RT and season with salt and pepper, then stay inside in the A/C and pan fry them in butter and olive oil. Get the fats really hot, sear one side for about four minutes then flip for an additional four or so. If you wanna go all French style, throw a bit of red wine in the pan after you're done and…
C0€#!$t or something like that, right? Anyone who attributes mainstream Christianity to the 40 mostly family members that make up this “congregation” needs to check their facts.
I did as well.
“He makes our team bigger than life.”
I think they also looked at the success of Ratchet and Clank and saw how putting a little love into old IP might be financially beneficial. Ratchet and Clank was excellent, and I hope these are as well. Kinda bummed there’s no mention of CTR though...I loved that game as a Playstation guy jealous of all the Nintendo…
The way the Penguins play, I don’t think it really mattered who was in net. They blocked so many shots and were on the forecheck most of the game. I think Fleury would have done well enough for them to win as well. Murray was solid but let in a lot of really soft goals (especially in the games they lost).