
Engineer at Tesla here. Last I checked, there were a ton of mechanical engineers on staff.

The real question is, will the porn industry be the deciding factor in autonomous tech?

I have an identical one at work. It’s fun to watch. Nothing new though as we’ve had it for years. Most companies have used this setup for a while now. I always wanted to ride it like a mechanical bull.

I could get behind this trend.

Came here to say this. When I was at Georgia Tech, I recall the student population demographic was about how this company is set up. Can we all just stop pretending that there are equal parts of every type of person equally interested in every job ever offered?

I just bought a wrangler and was mixed between the two. I’m a manual guy through and through and use to laugh off the auto jeeps back when I had my first wrangler. After actually off-roading and listening to a bunch of guys that go off-roading for fun, I ended up settling on an automatic. It’s definitely more

This is true. I just moved here and couldn’t believe how bad 205 was going west from the valley. They just recently “repaved” it but it was nothing more than smearing paper thin asphalt over the old stuff. I’ve seen proper repaving before and it usually involves removing a good 6" or so of the old stuff and laying

I wish more people would realize this. Infrastructure is largely up to each state to uphold. I use to live in Georgia until recently which has the most paved miles of roads than any other state and they all seem to be in great shape aside from downtown where the utility companies are constantly digging them up. It

you mean like this? There was a 4 wheel drive civic at one point in time.

What a waste! I feel like these channels always gravitate towards fake drama and idiotic yelling. Now they’ve ruined the last holdout. I use to enjoy American Restoration as well when it actually showed how things were restored. Then it devolved into another crap drama show that spent more time on made up

I’ve been wanting to post this for a while. I don’t feel any sort of professional level journalism needs to contain vulgar language to get the point across. Regardless of what the norm might be in the comments, it’s just low class reporting, especially when it’s in the headline.

FF also hired some of the best in each field. All that doesn’t count for much if upper management doesn’t have their stuff together (and you don’t pay your bills)

Del Griffith will be ecstatic

I bought a junker truck to keep at the train station on my commute to work. I wanted it to look ratty to keep from being broken into or vandalized as I wasn’t sure about the area. I’m a car guy though and wanted something unique. I ended up with a 1983 Mazda B2000. I drive a lot and see tons of Nissan and Toyota

I was thinking the same thing. Comparable features and luxury to $100k cars although if you’re a brand whore, it falls short. The depreciation is a killer on these too so getting one a year old saves a ton of money.

The amount of people willing to pay more for US made goods I feel is rising slowly but it’s an incredibly small percentage of the whole. Everybody blames companies of offshoring work and products but they fail to realize it’s not the government’s fault or the company’s fault but rather the US consumer demanding the

Keep it classy there guy. How do you know he voted for Trump in the first place? You sound like the rest of the wet diapers that are all upset about the Trump win. They immediately assume anybody criticizing them wasn’t on their side to begin with and are idiots. You don’t have to be a Trump supporter to realize

Same here. Don’t care for Trump and didn’t vote for him but I don’t understand why I can’t call Clinton Supporters a bunch of pussies for crying about it all day without them immediately calling me a Trump supporter. I don’t recall there being support groups for people that were unable to “cope” with an Obama