
@jalb: I do believe when Microsoft issued the first beta of IE9, they stated that it would only run on Vista and Windows 7.

@jcrane2: I have been using Firefox for browsing the new format and have not noticed any slowness due to it. If anything, I think the old format was slightly slower than the new one is. I'm just saying...

@correnos001: I agree with you... they need to move the sidebar/pane to the left side of the browser... it seems distracting having on the right hand side.

It would have been nice if you had clued us in to the fact that this particular Featured Desktop (and the previous one he created) is for the Mac, not Windows.

I like the article... but why in the world would you simply reprint the entire article from Why not a simple intro and then a link to the full-fledged read?

Not a damn Windows download the whole week? I'm not trying to hear that...

@DonLuc: At least he has a conscience... which from the sound of your comment, you're sorely lacking! I'm just saying...

@Kaos78: Bravo! I couldn't have said it better myself!

@MikeS.: If you don't mind shelling out some coinage for a good program, then I recommend: [RadioTracker]

@MikeS.: If you don't mind shelling out some coinage for a good program, then I recommend: [RadioTracker]

I've been using speech recognition software since 1994... first DragonDictate for DOS 3.0, followed by DragonDictate for Windows 2.x... and then in 2004 I switched to Dragon NaturallySpeaking 8.0 Pro. I'm still using this version on my work computer, however, on my personal system I'm using version 10.1 Pro.

@3 Laws of Robotics: This is a simple solution... buy a PCI SATA controller! You could probably pick one up for $25 or $30 at [Newegg].

@Dezerus Richardson: What the hell are "Loofa Gourds"? Sounds like something out of a Willy Wonka And the Chocolate Factory sequel... I'm just saying...

What aboutWhat about the "Kindle for PC" software? Will this work with that?

First off... how does he get the same background wallpaper on every monitor, including that huge freaking HDTV?

@dreamer77dd: I can't wait for Tab Candy... from the video, it looks like it's going to be freaking awesome!

Where does this guy get this cool aquarium type application that he's using for the browser speed tests? It would be kind of cool to have something like that on the desktop, where one could control the number of fish displayed...

@mcservies: Maybe you should invest in a copywriter... that could be part of your problem... and maybe do away with the animations at the top of the page... I'm just saying...

@JP The BAMF: never mind people... someone answered my call for help.