
Your goal is to manage and minimize the total amount of tax you pay over your lifetime, not in any given year. By preserving your Roth IRA balance for additional years, you give it a chance to provide tax-free earnings that can be used later.

From the very beginning of this article I was thinking wow, if this guy is mediocre what the fuck am I????

I’m pretty mediocre. I’m ashamed to admit it.

So this'll be the comment that gains an embarrassing number of stars and reminds us how judgmental this community can be.

One of the principles I live by is that any true equation has to be true from either side of the equal sign. In simple terms, if nine plus three equals six times two, then six times two must equal nine plus three. Which means that if 20 percent of your efforts produce 80 percent of your positive results, then it

How many sorority girls does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Most of this data seems like it is correct, however, real estate sales makes no sense. Realtor are 100% commission. If you are a good Realtor you make more money. If you are a bad Realtor you make nothing. I don't see how there can be a pay gap unless people are less willing to buy from women.

Wow, when they said small, they meant small. Okay - no debts (and we presume your car is at <2%-3% interest). You're not putting away enough for retirement, but $4k won't fix that.