Is every single person here a flaming liberal incapable of writing without injecting their politics into every article? It’s so exhausting and presumptuous.
Is every single person here a flaming liberal incapable of writing without injecting their politics into every article? It’s so exhausting and presumptuous.
Agreed! However, looking to the nanny state to solve all of your problems is also a big mistake. He was just elected. Breathe. Obama was in office for 8 years, and people who hated him had to deal with it. The pendulum swings in society. Breathe...
Lifehacker is great in so many ways. Politically, however, there is obviously a distinctive left-leaning bias here. This is to be expected from millennials to a large extent. However, as good as it feels to beat the same old tune, it would be nice to see some diversity of philosophy and intellect at some point, if…
And, 3) Don’t use HDR software.
If you need to blend multiple images, learn to do it manually with selections and masking in PS. Less of those crunchy, muddy, neon tones.
Check out the app and website, Windyty.
Factor in that women take more time away from work, work fewer hours, negotiate salaries that more often include soft bonuses like flexible schedules and the pay gap virtually disappears.
The pay gap is a myth. It is not taking seriously by any economist who looks at the figures. Women do not get paid less for having the same title at the same company and putting in the same type of hours for the same type of work. Learn to look beyond the surface. Controlling for life choices and other variables, it…
I think this is especially true if you are in a long-term monogamous relationship. Even if you intellectually and emotionally prefer that setup, your biology evolved for different purposes.
The Wage and Pink Gaps get all the attention, but what about the Homeless Gap? What about the Life Expectancy Gap? What about the Workplace Deaths Gap? What about the Prison Sentence Gap? When will feminism care about these *more important* gaps?
“And time to ourselves without connecting to friends and family is almost meaningless.”
If you want an education, and not just indoctrination, then you probably care about things like free speech. No, not hate speech, but open dialogue where ideas and opinions can be exchanged and vetted. Unfortunately, too many colleges have fallen into the hands of people who preach a style of mandatory opinion some…
Definitely hire the robot over the human. They’ll be coming for your job in no time! Yahyyy!
Please get help
When someone disagrees with you that mens they need to somehow be enlightened, right? The idea that men should be feminists or else they are ignorant and bigoted is ridiculous.
What a bunch of baloney. I can almost rest assured that my comment won’t even be approved, because whenever you take a non-politically correct stance here it’s like committing social suicide.
Keep weakening your immune system. Survival of the weakest...
MrBilwulf, if only life was so simple as to be completely addressed by a few logic lines. Much of the issue in talking about politics is a matter of belief and opinion, and only partially about facts. Being able to speak to someone in a context in which they are receptive is as crucial a skill as any. So...Just…
Just sprinkle the buns with a bit of water before toasting if you don’t want to dirty a rag.
We need Lifehacker to tell us to use the phrase “excuse me” when we want to pardon ourselves? The quality of content from this site is getting more inconsistent.
So fake