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    That's really funny. Jones is so close to the James I meant to type. Well done, me.

    Pedantic history nerd alert: Tom Jones would merely be Acting President until such time the House can make a decision. It's unclear whether he would be able to appoint a Vice President, or what would happen to that person if the House ever made a decision between the top three vote getting candidates. Now that the

    Nah, Ravenclaw is probably top heavy with gifted kids who find the homework beneath them. They seem like a group that seeks attention. Hufflepuff just quietly go about their business.

    Wait, all of a sudden? I assumed he was in the closet since season 1.

    Did any of these people complaining about historical historical inaccuracy, as A. V. Club's Mike D'Angeo did with the Imitation Game, complain when the Social Network made things up for the Social Network? I used to get annoyed when historical stories were changed for movie theaters, but I got over that right around

    Perhaps I'm the one off base, but I love this show. It's tone reminds me a lot of Snowpiercer from this summer which also alternates between goofy and gritty every scene. I actually find that quite refreshing and its also why I love Sleepy Hollow.