@arionfrost: If you want an actual survival horror, get amnesia.
@arionfrost: If you want an actual survival horror, get amnesia.
@Diamond Sea: Sounds like yoko ono :S
I've come across a hard choice. What colour of 3DS goes best with a silver or gold sticker? I'm stuck in quite the conundrum as you can see .<
It's definitely one of these days.
@ImSpartacus: I know :C
Persistant RTSs? Have you ever played an sp sc campaign map where you can sit on your ass? You just mass and roll the enemy. I have a bad feeling that's going to happen a lot.
My roommate already has a large collection of knives, also paintguns and grenades ._.
I felt no attachment to anything in this game. It was fun, but mindless, silly fun.
@CallMeJordy265: Art: something that serves no other purpose than itself. lol, makes fun of Nano. bwahaha
@The Squalor Also Rises: Shameless repost.
@RRW: have you HEARD the Advanced Wars soundtrack?
@GamerKT: It uses standard sd cards, which go up to 32 gigs now I think.
@Cloud_Hiro: oh, just looked into it, the one coming out is a remake of another ds title
@Boltfinger: looks like im spending $500 on 3DSs T_T
I'm getting this console just because I KNOW super smash bros on the go multiplayer will bring about this best WLAN experience ever.
Is it uncomfortable to use when you're left handed!? I've been dying to find out
@ImSpartacus: You're right about the screen size