
That’s true. People get celebrity-crazy. I’m not saying women aren’t crazy fangirls, neck-and-neck with the fanboys; I’m saying men are babies and need to grow thicker skin about people expressing their political and philosophical viewpoints.

Real talk, I have this talk with all my sex partners.

When you can change how dangerous and uncomfortable pregnancy and childbirth can be, then we can begin to have a conversation about this. Until then, you don’t get to make my medical decisions for me.

I’m with Ablow! A man should absolutely have the right to find out what a woman plans on doing if she gets pregnant before he sticks his dick in her*, and he should also have the right to refrain from sticking his dick in her* if he disapproves of the choice she plans on making if she gets pregnant. It is an

Not me. It was a nice change from the last week/month/year/since I could read. Why were you mad? It was because of the Met Ball dresses, wasn't it. Because SJP was the ONLY one to stick to theme?

oh yeah i could easily, easily change my style so i would never get misinterpreted by people who, for a wide variety of reasons (most of which include their ideas of what this website’s function is) mistake sharpness for anger. but i don’t really see that whole thing as any of my business or a problem i need to deal

You will never ever hear me siding on the team that wants to make life harder for sexual assault victims. So in that interest, I have a question that may not have an answer: is the trauma reinvigorated with male nudity? Not the assailant’s nudity, just general male nudity?

I wish there was some way to put this in a pithy statement on a billboard.

“Men and women do have different brains. This is a biological fact.”

As someone whose research is somewhat related to this type of argument, men and women’s brains do seem to be different and there is a increasing volume of research that suggests that men and women solve mental tasks in different ways (not better or worse just different) and so it is entirely possible that one type of

I love how in this clip, you can see how much emphasis he puts on aaaaaass.

“I’m glad to be alive. I saved my life that night.”

Longitudinal studies - as this one was - are very helpful. As longitudinal studies (that is, studies done over a prolonged period of time with the same sample) by their very nature take so long, they often carry more weight than other forms of studies. That is their “pro” in their pros and cons list. Most of their

Call me stoned at 3:18 in the afternoon, but I just read the first sentence of your comment and took it to mean that you wanted to binge watch the show Cosmos with Megyn Kelly until you found out all her secrets.

The “women’s tax” still exists and it’s still unbelievably irritating, gratingly unfair, and, in most places, perfectly legal.

God that kid is a pint sized hero.