
Somehow I can imagine Marion Barry driving this around DC. Not sure why. Something...about it. Something.

And own a recreational vehicle.

Letting us know you are going in there was very smart. If we don’t hear from you in a couple days, we’ll call the authorities.

I specifically followed you just so I can see the update and get the full story.

I would have liked to see Montana

I'm about to find out what the story is. This car is 47 miles from me and I just took the day off to check it out. And my bank has a branch 10 minutes away. 

And travel from state to state.   With no papers.

If I did not have my BMW 850 sitting in the garage with the dash ripped apart chasing “Limp Mode” problems I would be buying a ticket for this gem. NP Lemon Law title or not. 1st Gen Vipers are as simple as a Stone Axe

Yeah but at that point you should be getting a pickup truck, or maybe even a “recreational vehicle” instead of a Viper...

Get me on a track with a 350 lb 200+ horsepower street bike and I’m at home. The only time I’ve ever been nervous behind the wheel is driving one of these bad boys. NP for the sphincter tightening super power of the V-10.

We could just play “I Spy with my Little Eye” instead of NPOCP...

-opens jalopnik-

yeah, like having a pick up truck for taking trash to the dump is a novelty toy.  Owning more than one vehicle in a family, one of which is somewhat specialized is not novelty.  Every vehicle has drawbacks which is why many of us have multiple types of vehicles.  There are also some that have 2.5 vehicles per adult in

“...we have other cars for longer trips.”

There is a soft wear update coming for that.


Your Tesla couldn’t even make 100k without needing a $30k battery pack?  That’s pathetic.

You have no idea how insanely amazing it was in person. I was almost in tears at the shear amazement/excitement mixed with the thunder of the F-16 overhead, shaking the stands. Truly one of the greatest flyovers ever!

Send that little guy back to ground school! The F-16 doesn’t have no stinkin’ Merlin engine, any 25 month old knows that!

It’s a nickname. Many military planes have gotten them over the years.