Eespecially when the former freshman roommate heard someone say they saw him...I heard some people say they saw a UFO
Eespecially when the former freshman roommate heard someone say they saw him...I heard some people say they saw a UFO
Can you convince a few others to follow you
So what makes her so respected?
She wasn’t a tape victim know your facts! Oh I forgot that’s not important on the left. I wonder why Ford wasn't upset with the people she trusted to keep her letter private.
Ffunny thing Cory Booker admitted groping a woman and he gets to grill Kavanaugh and pacify Ford. Another wealthy white woman who has PTSD thank goodness she has help with fund me...because those psychiatrist Bill’s add up. But the again we get typical Democratic rhetoric and anger. Rich are evil but professor Ford…
Pretty hilarious that people would get so up in arms over a family sitcom...its nothing like Roseanns sitcom and Tim Allen is far from being a risk to the networks. Allen worked the political angle and man has it gotten traction. I have watched the series since its conception and its merely a comedy that is safe for…
Wow...I don't know how or why I was able to get through this dillusional rant. Colbert should be thanking Trump along with, Kimmel and the least relevant of the bunch Seth Myers. That includes you to author. Hillary is getting an opportunity to stay somewhat relevant in the world of dillusional angry people. She was a…
I rarely respond to articles but to read the comments is not shocking. The left talks about living mankind mumbo jumbo then spew such venom. A colleague of mine told me Jesus would have been a Democrat. Yeah right...most lefties are pro choice and then there is the believing in God thing. To wish such I’ll will on…
Wow...did you ever consider after watching Taylor play this week that the Bill's weren't sold on him and he was worth more than the white guy in a trade plus he was costing team more. I suppose they just drafted a QB 1st round because they felt like it. They cut loose another white guy, McCarron. It's hard to believe…
Very typical artical written by so called LIBERAL thinking. Exactly why Americans don’t take left serious. Waste of so called journalism and wasted time spent reading. Exactly why Trump is in day you will figure it out!
Also they are not trained for violence...the game is physical...different than being trained for violence
Fat chance or losing her money all she has to do is make a comment and the angry crazy left jumps all over it. I’m always shocked how simple people on the left are
I I suppose if Megyn Kelly called president’s daughter a wife are Samantha Bee a c*** it would make her more attractive another lefties crazy angry rant... so predictable
And and you idiots always fall for it and help her get attention while she takes her big fat check to the bank
I rarely post but just reading these vulgar post pretty much makes the case for leftist and why the Democratic party is such a mess. I often wonder why it is race baiting when a subject of race is questioned. White = racist. The left is angry and predictable and crass. I have to admit there are times I enjoy listening…
THere was a time you caught a man in a woman’s bathroom you called him a pervert. I don’t blame her one bit. Why should women have to tolerate this. Next it will be accepted for Weinstien and Rather to go in the women’s bathroom
I find it funny how people who don’t believe in Jesus are so quick to use him as an example when judging another persons views. There has always been wealth inequality in the world and always will be. That is human nature. If you read a bible you would see that. There is plenty of rooms for hypocrites in God’s eyes.…
Wow! You sound like Laura just with vulgar twist. Watching people become so unhinged over a pseudo celebrity scolding a mouthy athlete is entertaining. This is why Trump has so much leverage. Small minded peoples rants and outburst...😅😃🤣😂😆