
saw that too... total lie. and it’s the reason the build out plan was changed. project has been changed and will now start with construction of the northern segment first.... with no guarantee land deals will ever be finalized for other portions of planned route.

the sooner they kill this HSR boondoggle the better. taxpayers have been lied to at every turn of this project. it’s unwanted, will not be profitable, will not operate as originally described and it will be a monumental waste of taxpayer funds. really hoping the courts will intervene here....

for God’s sake... please, PLEASE stop posting this anti car nonsense over on jalopnik. we get it, she hates cars. interestingly enough, readers on jalopnik tend to love cars. does anyone else see the disconnect here? and before the rest of you pin heads swarm to point out.... yes, i agree. i don’t have to click on the

one can only hope that this upcoming election will result in an administration that will severely limit the ridiculously broad over reach of the EPA.

are there any actions from the iranians you won’t defend tyler? this is seriously getting ridiculous. you base your opinion here on your assumptions of iranian intent and your assumed value of their intel. i think the better policy here is, you don’t approach or flyover US military assets, especially after the USS

lay off the paint chips kid... i never offered my opinion on the quality of the NMRL/USMC study except to say that until i can read the published study for myself, i will give the results the benefit of the doubt expressly over the opinions of two unknown social scientists who don’t appear to have published anything

credentials? oh, you mean your anonymous blog post declaration as “molecular biologist”? my bad...

seeing as how it is a very comprehensive research search engine, i’m not sure of your beef here. i judge the quality of science by the quality of the journal it’s published in and by reading the actual paper. not by taking the opinion of a couple of academics who are personally vested in the argument.

reading comp clearly not your strong suit....

molecular biologist... am i supposed to be impressed? pretty odd considering you’re a science denier. fyi... pretty sure my cv stacks up to just about anyone who posts here.

it’s almost like you’re taking this personally.... what’s the story here???

yes, my observational data seems to be confirmed by actual independent experimental data.

that you’re not even willing to admit the biological differences between men and women is laughable. you want to discuss the merits of research and you’re a damn science denier? GTFO.

sooooo.... you didn’t serve. got it. but do go on telling me all about how it is.

google scholar doesn’t list anything for mackenzie, m. nice try though. and i browsed her school page... i see some publications, but not much there that would be construed as actual research, or anything that looks like it required an IRB, demonstrates a study design, or analysis of experimental data? lookd like she

lols... says the guy who’s taking the biased opinion of two “researchers”. pot... meet kettle.

come on tyler... clearly trump is saying this is not your average 20 something. that kim is a dangerous tyrant who needs to be taken and dealt with seriously was the obvious point of trump’s comments. your articles are quickly becoming tiresome and predictable...

and i put “researchers” in quotes because i can’t find a single research study either one has published....

no, i’m saying given that neither one of us has seen the study, neither of us is in a position to address the study design. and the USMC is known to be biased, but the two self described advocates are not? come on, who’s being intellectually dishonest now? until the details of the study are released, i take the study

fraudsters like me? riiiiight. you can’t cry about bias and they lean on two very biased sources to discredit the study. the marines conducted the study. without seeing it and how they controlled for bias, i have no idea. and here’es the kicker... neither do you. and as to specific criticisms with methodology...