
professional assessment... LOLS. the study hasn’t been released to the public so other than the two “researchers” opinion of the study, we really have nothing else to go on. and given their clear bias with respect to the study subject and it’s outcome, not sure we can put much weight behind their opinion until the

and you have something other than your opinion to offer in regards to your claims????

do tell us the flaws of this study design... all you have apparently come up with is, it was conducted by the USMC so it MUST be biased. it might be, but again, present another study you’d like to refute it with, or critique the study with actual facts, as opposed to merely your opinion.

it’s one study... that disagrees with your viewpoint. and until there’s another to refute it, it’s all the data we have to go on. as to the list of countries that have integrated females into front line combat... that’s great. there’s a lot of countries out there that do a lot of things differently than the US. and

oh, so data you don’t like is garbage... got it.

that you’re ok with this social experiment costing lives, all in the name of progress is disturbing.

LOL... most of the females in my unit weren’t even deployable let alone able to perform at the same level as the average male soldier. and i’ve got a feeling things haven’t changed all that much since i ets’d. not to mention how well integrating females into previously male only missions has worked out... apparently

nice try, but no. the notion that a single term encapsulates an entire nuclear policy let alone the decision making process of implementing it is abject nonsense.

knowing the definition of “nuclear triad” is basic information? GMAFB. hillary clinton doesn’t understand how email works. personally, i’d be a bit more worried about that than a candidate who doesn’t know the definition of an obscure technical term that in now way impacts a potential decision making process of using

and how is that relevant here?

looks like they’re having fun.

why would a businessman be familiar with what is admittedly an obscure technical term? i’d be willing to bet he wasn’t alone on the stage not knowing that term off hand. i think the broader point that our nuclear forces, and our military at large need modernization is understood by all of the candidates.

of course it is.

cool story... we also have a current pres who doesn’t have a clue how to pronounce “corpsman”, we have a former sec. of state/pres candidate who doesn’t understand how email works. not that either is at the level of importance as command and control of our nuclear arsenal, but i think it points to the fact that most

awd and safety features? you can’t be serious. when your relevant experience in this conversation is having sat in a c63, i’m not sure you’re the qualified opinion you seem to think you are.

didn’t cross shop hard enough? i drove both. and in my opinion, the e is not so much more car for the money.

lol... do go on. they say exactly what i’ve purported them to say. i quoted them directly from their conclusions.

partisan news source? again, wtf are you talking about. i linked the actual studies. from the doj. and from the cdc. you sourced a blog.

yes, vox is widely regarded as an unbiased news source. said no one. ever.

lay off the paint chips kid.... panning studies from the cdc and doj against an blog post from vox that cites mother jones would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic.