J Petrille

VanDerWerff was HORRIBLE. Seriously, such meandering, shapeless shit. Hard to imagine that guy passing high school composition.

Six episodes watched for review

Far out, man.

Goddamn that's a great line.

I feel the same. I feel like I bought into the hype. Still think "My Girls" and the rest of MPP are good thought.

I can't Stan these pun threads.

She was only 16 years old!

6:15 - speaking truth to power. The power of a dog puppet.

"You have to shatter the mold," says by-the-numbers review.

I think that's more about his being a great conversationalist and a hacky screenwriter.

You loathed Happiness?

I don't think it was just about McDonald's. It was about nutrition and American lifestyle generally. He just focused on McDonald's to make his point. I think a lot of McDonald's recent business troubles can be traced to Spurlock, but so can our increasingly negative attitude towards fast food generally.

>>Super Size Me inspired me to go buy a Quarter Pounder.

They're obviously saving the details of his complaint for a future episode, so we don't really know his reasons yet.

Look at that dessicated husk, a living (?) embodiment of an era that was mostly imagined.

How dare he publicly express views with which you disagree.

I found it strange when you guys complained about the lack of a theme. Today's episode's theme was what our torture policy has wrought. We saw one guy who went from not a terrorist to being an ISIS recruiter because he did some time in Gitmo. Then we saw Beau being tortured by captors who made a point to note how

David Cross: The "I have mortgage payments on my Brooklyn brownstone" Tour

It's NOT a reach. That's my issue. They should have dealt with in the preemptively in the documentary, instead of getting blindsided after the film came out.

I don't buy that. How do you not include the stuff about the bullet with Halbach’s DNA on it coming from Avery's gun? Don't they realize not including something that big makes them look like a shill?