J Petrille

I think you're making broad and unjustifiable generalizations. For instance, consider Nastassja Kinski's character in *Your Friends and Neighbors*, who's basically an innocent victimized by Jason Patric.

>>>The men aren't great either, but it's usually in related to the notion that women are temptresses.

I hate it when people equate depicting misogyny with perpetuating it.

How is "other" and "other" interracial?

His uncle is Nam, from Cheahs. And if you squint he kind of does look like a thin George Wendt.

>a reboot-adverse public

The incredible arrogance of you lecturing one woman about how she should feel about her being raped, with some unsupported baloney about how you're really doing it for the greater good of all those other rape victims out there … it's too much for me. You win this one.

Really? I think when someone tells you've been raped and how they're dealing with it, your only response should be to listen and be sympathetic, rather than try to figure out if they've committed the thought crime of disagreeing with you on how to respond to said rape.

Assuming she doesn't read article about her in the press, like any human being would be reasonably likely to do, you probably have a point.

I think maybe we just shut the fuck up and don't try to compound her pain by publicly telling her how she process that is wrong and she should feel bad about it.

I actually don't think it's the place of some goddam pop culture writer to criticize how a rape victim deals with their shit, personally.

I'd bet being in the mafia is also an embarrassing topic for its members.

If you've ever read Nabin's books, he's a deeply alienated person who grew up poor and never shook off his feelings of being an outcast. So his sympathies with ICP aren't hard to understand. Also, I'm sure a guy sealed so tightly in his own brain welcomes the stupidity they represent.

I am not making an "argument". I was pointing out that Trump's comments were misrepresented. Now please support your argument, with some substance, that "dude you are so on the wrong side of the fence here".

You seem to think being progressive means it's okay to be sloppy with the facts. I don't agree.

What did they leave out of that movie?

They don't have to include everything, but that's pretty major for a movie that's being sold as speaking to contemporary issues the way this one is. Also, narratively, it would have been much richer to have truly flawed heroes, as well as to help us see that hiphop has plenty of baggage and is more than just some

Aren't we celebrating a movie about his young and stupid days? Then let's not include the shit that advances the story Dre wants to tell. Fuck him in the face if he thinks only the parts where he wasn't beating the shit out of women is worth our narrative time.

Dude. He beat the shit out of three women THAT WE KNOW OF. And what was his reprimand for the other two? Fuck this asshole for life.

I think the criticism is more that the movie whitewashes the misogyny and homophobia these guys are known for. That's not being un-PC. It's lying about history, and shaving the edges off a story to make it more palatable to the audience - presumably, a PC audience, because otherwise, why not keep all that shit in?