What are your crimes?!?
What are your crimes?!?
It figures you're a truther. There's no shortage of idiots believing conspiracy theroeis for which there is no evidence, whether it's 911 inside jobbers or people who MBW was made up.
What does it matter if it's for sale? You said *exhibited* outside of the movie, and this was exhibited outside of the movie. The mural wasn't IN the movie.
No it isn't. Look at all the morons who think 911 was an inside job. Lots of people see conspiracies where none exist at all.
Part of me wants to insult your laziness in failing to figure this out for yourself. But in fairness, it did take me .8 seconds of googling: http://news.artnet.com/art-…
Exit Through the Gift Shop is pretty obvs legit, IMO. Josh's irrelevant claims re: Banksy don't do anything to convince me otherwise.
You're totally right. Though I could not finish it, the chapter on the power of paying attention, and how difficult it is to give anything your full attention, was fairly ephiphanic for me, as a guy whose job it is to read boring shit.
I just couldn't get past the fact that the Pale King was unfinished. To me, DFW's perfectionism was part of the package. Take that away and it's not DFW. He is more than his raw writings. He was a skilled and practiced writer, who honed through his organization and rewrites.
50 Cent blew his brains out in the oughties after people stopped buying his records.
That's an interesting point. I don't thing that's as big as issue as the crediblity-gap narrative created by conservatives. Esp. as Moore was less and less of a presence in his movies as time went on.
Such a great movie. So great it inspired conservative warriors to
launch a smear campaign against Moore that, with spurious and misleading
arguments, tainted him so much that his rep was essentially destroyed,
even among his would-be compatriots.
Racist? He just wanted to tell some jokes for the nice people! It's the little guys that cause all the trouble.
I don't want to be accused of hyperbole, but this cements Chicago's reputation as an unlivable shithole.
>>Smith made a success out of his life and achieved his dream of being a
film maker and making the films he wanted to do for the most part.
Take it easy there, Dennis Miller.
In truth, it is annoying to be someone like me who tries to use words thoughtfully, and purposefully, and then encounter an annoying little troll like you who, from what I can glean from your post, goes around using words he skimmed from a stoned perusal of a stolen textbook.
Sounds like you're describing yourself there, Mr. Fundamental Attribution Error.
What does Wikipedia have to do with your using the term wrong?
To someone who doesn't use it right, yes.
Sounds like you're employing buzz words incorrectly.