J Petrille

>>>Fox doesn’t have very much to gain from re-releasing the old Star Wars movies

I like Steve Zahn but the motherfucker hardly qualifies for "Murderers' Row" eligibility.

That Simpsons biography argues that Simon is the secret ingredient to the success of the show's early years. Not hard to believe given how shitty it became in the years since. I highly recommend his interview with Marc Maron where he talks openly about being a rich guy who's always being akased to pull out his

I only glanced at that article, but I didn't see where it said Seger put money back into the industry. I'm not sure that would be such an honorable thing anyway, seeing as how the industry does most of its manufacturing in maquiladoras and other overseas factories where they pay slave wages and pollute the

In fairness, one of those was an Oscar episode.

I didn't think it looked cheap. High-quality ostriches do not come cheap my friend.

The GOB episode was good, as were the Michael ones. Tobias' actually kind of sucked, which was a big surprise, no double entendre intended. The writing was pretty consistently high IMO. It was really just not having the characters all together. Lindsey just isn't very funny by herself IMO.


I can't wait to see my old friends Michael, George, George Michael and Joe Withabee!

Are you joking?


Great lyricist, voice like a leathery saddle. Dude's a nationalt reasure. But the damage to his reputation was self-inflicted. Nobody forced him to take that Chevy money.

Kind of a shame. A foundational figure in stand-up comedy and sitcom television, not to mention an artist who broke racial boundaries early and often, reduced to a parody.

Cuff him, boys. We're putting this dirtbag away.

That's So Shredder.

I'm not saying he didn't have reason to be depressed, I'm saying it felt inauthentically portrayed.

I think the consensus is his lyrics are pretty great.

I really don't see people defending his personality. I think what you see are people who like me, who acknowledge he's out-of-touch egomaniac who's also a musical genius.

I feel like you didn't understand what you saw.

Any attempt to say it in more words than "entropy", I suppose, or acting all depressed about and morose about it like some fuckin' teenager.