I'm worried this might affect Soul Pancake.
I'm worried this might affect Soul Pancake.
I agree that the soundtrack was the worst part of the movie. But I'm not sure what Snyder did right, other than bowing to fan pressure to stick to the book as closely as possible. I agree that the book ending was the worst, but I actually think Gilliam's ending could have been amazing, as befits the guy who did Twelv…
The guy who revolutionized comics? The guy who gives all the money from film adaptations to his collaborators because he objects to said adaptations? The guy who insisted on the unique properties of comic books well before it was chic to do so? Yeah, fuck that guy! What an asshole!
The way to take it is as a dissertation on human cruelty and hatred. People get all specific with it beign about fascism etc. but I think if you take it in broad strokes you can really get the power of it without turning it into a roman-a-clef you as an American (probably) are not qualified to decode.
It's only silly if you agree that it's an ensemble show. It's not, anymore than the Sopranos was.
i somberly await the fittingly opaque and cliche-filled obituary.
Because it's not truly an ensemble show. Watch those opening credits; it's Nucky alone. And while fans of the show may like him, to me Nucky is a void where charisma, palpable power and character layers and complexity should be.
Who watches this shit?
What's that toe sucking whoremonger got to do with Christmas?
I like Pop Culture Happy Hour, but can never listen to more than 20 minutes at a time. Too much morning-zoo braying. I can never get past the sense a producer is just off-screen, horsewhipping them. "Keep the energy up! KEEP IT UP!"
So wonderfully toothless. I was worried a column called "the hater" would be nasty, but this is no worse than the sarcastic youngest sibling on a TGIF sitcom.
The stores that replaced it were these overpriced photography and pseudo-bohemian clothing, which you couldn't find a better metaphor for the gentrified East Village.