
A second movie from 2017 about having sex with fish people?


I think the line would have played better if Marvel already hadn’t taken the piss out of it in Ragnarok.

I thought the line, “Do you concur?” was an homage to Dr. Watson. If indeed the case, it should scratch the itch for a Sherlock reference without being too overbearing.

Loosen up your definition of “associated.”

Because they stripped them both of their powers before the initial fight. Then Kilmonger alone received them after his victory.

Agreed. I think Black Panther would have made a great movie without the superheroics. Perhaps the GCI backflips could have been limited to the casino scene and car chase, and then the rest of the film could have played out similar to how it did, but without him getting a secret dose of the magic flower, forcing him to

If it bleeds, we can kill it.

Not sure how the “upgrad[ing] themselves with DNA from other species” fits into the lore the first film established, but ok.

Not stoked on this summer movie season.

We all die for John Connor.

Infinity War can’t happen right after Civil War. Gotta have time for Bucky to get unfucked.

Pancakes? With that physique?

Like Sam Worthington in Salvation?

Looks like Iron Man Evangelion.

That was one of the better horror remakes to come out in quite a while.

Like when Laurence Fishburne played him?


It’s the one where the damn ninja was supposed to take care of Robocop!