
I too am sorry that not literature isn’t written like screenplays.

Hopefully they play off this. Asgard isn’t there anymore to help defend Earth from a certain incoming Big Bad . . .

I miss this io9.

I challenge your statement:


God damn, I miss you being here.

It shows up on mobile, sometimes.

Kinda digging Supes with the rolled-up sleeves. Looks like he’s ready to get down to business.

I got this one scheduled for delivery today:

Edit: Maybe one day I’ll make it out of the grays. For the first eight years or so, I was an approved commenter. Those were the days . . .

Spirit of Vengeance was as nutty as squirrel shit, and I loved every second of it.

It’s not the cast. It really has nothing to do with the cast. I just don’t remember the first Ghostbusters being filled with jokes that seem as forced and/or telegraphed as this one.

Disagree. Counterpoint: Tribes

They were filming that movie on-the-fly, getting script pages delivered regularly, sometimes on the very day they were filming the same scene.

I thought it was odd how much jumping (pouncing?) they had him do.

Jackman wasn’t the problem with that film.

I remain skeptical.

You have been, and always shall be, my favorite commenter here.