
I think the public got these races for the House wrong.  Trump was getting so much done.  Now we get two years of impeachment attempts and policies that will surely tank the economy, hurt business and divide us more across racial well as push us toward treasonous ideals like open borders and universal

While I hope that the Dems picking up the House will lead to some de-escalation of the growing discontent in the country, after watching the Dems on display during the Kavanugh hearing and reading about how much more extreme Pressley and Cortez are than traditional moderate dems, I expect the Democrats to be

I think it is great.  I also think the people of Michigan and Minnesota need to be vigilant and ensure American liberty over diverse leaders coming from backgrounds not necessarily compatible with our cultural beliefs.

I think this is fascinating.  I think we all know and can agree that aesthetically there is a huge difference from driving out of your neighborhood into the community at large and seeing a Bojangles vs. a Cheescake factory.  Much like seeing an Apu’s Grocery vs. a Whole Foods.  Mowed lawns and garaged vehicles make

I worry about voters 18-24, they know nothing about life.  25-29 are generally mature individuals with jobs, responsibilities, families on the grow etc..and understand how a healthy society should be governed.  Hopefully Trump get 2 more yrs unfettered.

Yeah, I think the Dems are in for a surprise.  Much like during the election the media has been bamboozled.  There is a surprising number of black americans who approve of Trump and will vote to keep jobs.  I expect white women to come through again for the right.  All in all, it is hard to argue with the economy,

So, I do not support Abrams.  But, I do not support gangs, militia groups or these “cells” of individuals threatening the democratic process.  I would like them to all be locked up.

I would prefer contraction, but if they are going to expand, I think we need the Expos back in Montreal and I would love to see a team in Charlotte.  Vegas would be great too.

Voted early.  Just hanging out at work today trying to keep up.  Rhetoric aside, the last two years have seen some real positive things happen.  Here’s hoping Trump get at least 2 more years unencumbered to deliver.

Voted early.  Went in, one person in front of me, waited 2min, then cast my ballot.  God Bless America!  

I think when we get passed Trump’s personality and behavior, we see he and the Republicans have done a great job.  It would be a shame to see all that go to waste.

What makes her an extremist?

These types of celebrations are dumb.

This team has all the ingredients.  I am pleased with their start.  Giles has to be better and Shumpert needs to get back to basics on defense.  Overall, they are on the upswing.

The greatest injustice Carmelo committed was single handedly beating probably the best Kansas Jayhawk team ever assembled.  He broke basketball once, he’s doing it again.

I am just going to ask. Why do so many football coaches, men who surround themselves with athletes and have some of the best athletic equipment and workout space available to them within the buildings they work, refuse to stay in some form of healthy shape?

I am white.  I don’t get why anyone wants to dress up in ‘blackface’?  Beyond the issue of race and sensitivities surrounding that topic, the effort it takes would seem to deter those considering it.  Just makes no sense.  Why?  Let it die.

So, when the rubber meets the road, we want him on that wall!

You know who would be a really good fit for this team? Cedi Osman. If I were the 76ers, I would really think about putting together a package for Osman that included Fultz. The Cavs could actually give Fultz a chance b/c there are no expectations...and you throw in Mike Muscala and a pick...Simmons, Osman and

It’s really a blessing. He’s so bad, the 76ers could easily trade someone or something for a guy like Shabazz Napier, Devonte Graham or Wade Baldwin IV and actually get better.