
Yes, and what is even cooler for people who don’t really know mathematics but can read is that what happens to mankind was prophesied and written down by God centuries ago!

That is sad.  Luckily our creator God is the God of the living and not the dead.  Our names will be mentioned throughout eternity.

While I accept that some people will believe this, this is all lies.  There is only one ending, it has been written by the one true God.  Everyone can read about it.  It isn’t a secret.  

Who are “us”? Is it that the majority doesn’t care or that they can’t stop the forward progress of life to carve out special consideration for the minority?

I think you have to ask the black community why they are not properly registered.  

I think you have to remember that more liberal centers, city centers are so densely populated that they want and need government services to better operate and have the resources to pay for them. Rural areas, regardless of education level, are peoples more used to the self-sufficient and independent lifestyle where

Whoa!  Are you serious?  You just called the Electoral College nonsense.  Okay, I think you aren’t credible after that.  Democracy is the cornerstone of this great Republic and America is the standard bearer.  Praise our Founding Fathers.  

You know who is really great for women, Brett Kavanaugh.  Not only did he revolutionize the way he hired women to clerk for him, but on the SC he hired all women!  Thank you Trump.  Thank you republicans.  Real change, real action, not broken promises like we get from across the aisle.

I know, let’s beat up Kushner for wanting to make changes that have affected him personally but let’s just let the brown people slide for wanting to change the criminal justice system over imprisonment for smoking weed!  An activity that affects them very personally.

This type of commentary is gross.  At the most basic level our government officials represent the voice of the people.  He is no more evil than Nancy Pelosi, but they both represent very divergent views within our nation.  Grow up.  

He is making decisions based on the will of the people he represents.  That is not apathy.  Do you understand how our government works?  Please, grow up, take some time off from political activism and gain some perspective.  It’s people like you that are destroying this great nation of ours.

Sorry, this is why Democratic nations are so important...b/c our representatives represent the voice of the people. Many people in this country believe in a conservative worldview and political ideology and Mitch represents those people. They are not all nazi’s, evil, white supremacists or religious zealots...they are

He didn’t call Mexicans rapists.  He specifically was talking about the subset of immigrants Mexico was sending to our borders where among them were those with problems including drugs, crime and rape.  Among those are good people too...but there are bad ones.

Do you know how to confront politicians? They have phones and emails. They are also elected officials, so the ballot box works too. It is disgusting to accost them in public and the Dems have made that their go to move.

It is situations like this that make me realize just how far the Democrats have gone. They have lost it and are evil. They don’t get it. Mitch is a representative that is the voice of actual people who actually believe certain things about the world and democratically elected him to speak on their behalf. Stop

This is the kind of out-side the box thinking that has made Trump and his family so successful.  Awesome.  I hope this pays dividends.

7,000 person strong caravan heading our way.  National Emergency.  This will end in tragedy and can be attributed to 8yrs of Obama impotence.  This amounts to a full scale invasion.  Either we a) meet them in Mex arm them and send them back to regain political power b) annex a portion of Mex and set up the beginnings

A lot of doom and gloom here folks.  Generally speaking this country is the benchmark for race and race relations along with gender equality and progressive thinking wrapped in conservative culture in the world.  Everyone has it a little better here than anywhere else, thanks to our founders and the Lord Jesus

I am a huge fan of Ivanka.  

I get having racial bias or disliking people of other races in general...but for the cause of civility putting those things aside in everyday life to get along.  What I don’t get is the anger laced vitriol directed at specific individuals like this?  I mean this is just horrible.