
This should come as no surprise to anyone.  If you live by defense and the running game w/ a game manager at QB...time catches up to you.  The only consistent teams that win are the ones that score, a lot.  Pats, Steelers, Saints, etc..

While I am a fan of zoos in general, this seems like a case where many “unnatural” things were happening.  First, these lions are fed, so the lioness is without a major “role” defining her life and helping alleviate natural hunting urges.  He was 10!  No way he maintains control over a pride in the wild w/out being

I think that’s where you are confused.  The only analogy I have is as a parent when you see your child about to make a really bad choice and you intervene for their sake.  It’s the only way you can protect them b/c they just don’t know what you know.  That is how the Republicans are to the Democrats.  Parents. 

Wow.  You are so confused.  Take a breath, read a book and understand.

I don’t think that word “science” means what you think it means.  I also don’t think you understand biology either.

So, I think we need to be a bit intellectually honest to resolve this problem and your wife should be one who leads the charge. From an intersex pov, she like others in this limited minority should be staunch supporters of laws that require that they get to choose their “sex” at 18yrs of age. (We also have to give

I don’t want anyone’s happiness to be denied, but as a civil society that doesn’t mean we suspend rules of civility to accommodate all minorities.  At some point, they have to adjust to the norm.  Especially in public schools or the work place.

Growing up I never would have imagined people would be confused over what a marriage is.  Now, here we are.  We are also in a place where people don’t understand what makes them a boy or girl or what bathroom to use in public.  It’s a shame.  

It’s easy. When a child is born they are either a boy or girl. This is a matter of biology. In rare cases, there may be “issuses” but that can be handled on a case by case basis.

I would argue that many who find themselves in positions of power are more on the “authoritarian” than others, but that’s okay.  Distressed children still need to respect authority.  Now, we all want empathy in the face of fear...we need to work on that.

I think you throw out the training manual when you run into a huge 14yr old girl who refuses to submit to authority after obviously making a scene and causing a stir at a local mall.

Or, when you’re a child faced with an authority figure, you submit yourself to their authority and care to avoid such incidents.

Sorry, I don’t really feel for her. She’s a huge 14yr old. If you’ve ever tried to dress a toddler who put up a fight, you understand. You either respect and comply with law enforcement when you are in the wrong or you don’t. If you don’t there are consequences. If your teacher tells you to leave class, listen.

This will be the moment that saves the Lakers season. Ball will now have to start and Kuzma will get more PT. If Walton pulls Pope and gets Hart/Stephenson more time, I think they will win game, many games. Then, when Rondo comes back, keep him on the bench and slide Ingram back in.

I think we all have to accept that America became an English language country over decades of European immigrants “letting” go of their mother tongue to “melt” into one people. I think it is great to know multiple languages, but that isn’t our way here...and many are frightened at the influx of hispanic speakers

I look at it like this as an Indians fan.  We have a top flight pitching staff and some young hitters...a passable outfield.  Our team on paper is like the Red Sox and we showed it on the field.  But in the offseason, both said, we need one more bat.  The Indians, having stricter cost control brought in Yonder Alonso,

I find it very hard to believe that people who swear to protect and server use their power and position to abuse women, not on a large scale.  This can’t be accurate?

Oh, I agree.  But, there is putting together the best team and putting together the best team money can buy.

I am very saddened by this story.  It seemed preventable and there seems to be a trail of negligence.  Health care professionals should be very sensitive and prepared to walk women through the complete pregnancy process with love and urgency.

I don’t think double standards is correct.  I think what the nude represents is distinctly different b/n genders.  Women are beauty and sex from a physical standpoint, they are the object that remains unchanged.  Men are the pursuer and physical responder to sex and beauty from that standpoint and in the nude are far