
I would like to point out that in most cases, the rich are rich because of hard work, ability and skills that can be passed down. Their children typically have similar traits and are provided top notch educations. There is still work that must be done by them too...typically the reverse is done by the poor.

A few things....Republicans/Conservatives are not Nazis. The Nazis align with conservative thought and principles like socialists align with Democratic/Liberal policies. Calm down intranet, it will all be fine.

While I do see it odd that Trump would win NC but not McCrory, I would argue that the state sold it’s soul for NCAA basketball games on that one. McCrory lost b/c of Tobacco Road, not Cooper. He should concede.

I think if there are plenty of scenes where he is destroying stuff with his voice or the power of his mercy and sexy captions of him and Medusa...should be really great.

I hate to say it, but if Trump can send the alt-right activists back into hiding while passing just a few pieces of his proposed agenda, 4yrs could turn into 8 very quickly. 

This is just so racist. I mean the picture is old. The girl obviously has “mixed race” features and her hair is styled in “black” tradition. The only issue I have is with the agency sending that picture and all the racist backlash.

Not a fan of the NFL playing regular season games overseas or in Mexico. I don’t mind pre-season or even post-season exhibition games for teams out of the playoffs...but the season should only be played in America.

I hope quite a few players saw this and make a loud enough commotion to the Players Union that they stymie game in Mexico. This is serious. I mean had this game been the last home game of the year and the Texans had to win and they lost b/c of this bush league stuff....come on!

I laugh at this b/c had Obama not been such a horrible President, this never would have happened. This is a major pendulum swing and I hope for the sake of America this is only 4yrs and we find some balance.

For now this doesn’t bother me. His lack of convention in these early days as he tries to get his footing and build a government on his own terms is fine. Now, once his team is in place and the inauguration happens, I would prefer he “play nice” with the media.

While I think Tom Herman is a once in a generation talent at HC...I can’t help but think what is going on with Charlie Strong is racial.

I disagree. We need specifically need an American to guide this team! We need to develop and use our culture in a way only an American will understand. It’s time to win. An American can help us win.

Beautiful images. I understand the need to treat women with respect. But, we can’t forget that men want sex and consent and submission are part and parcel to that.

Tobi comes across very racist in her tweet. I mean the girl has many features that could represent black/mixed raced girls well. Her hair is styled in “black” fashion. I see no issue here. Just a horrible, racist comment.

Honestly I don’t see an issue here. The biggest problem I have is that they used such an old photo. I mean outside that, seems pretty racist to not allow a white girl with hair styled with “blackness” not to represent your magazine. Awesome photo by the way!

I think it is pretty smart. For every regulation you take a look at some similar regulations on the book, kill them, and make things a little easier. Probably the anger stems from the fact that the liberal leadership didn’t think of this first?

It’s hard to believe, but it seems he is working pretty efficiently and effectively to make the transition. There have been some interesting appointments and quite a few Republican big names being mentioned for others. I think moving from left to right, all things seem pretty good.

This is a political scientists dream. We are going to see a completely new type of far less concerned about the people and the office itself than anyone before him. I think we are in for a wild ride. Let’s just hope Ivanka and her husband keep him grounded.

There is no worthier tale to tell.

I don’t think Bill B. has this issue. I think this offensive line can be better and they need to be. Ultimately, the Browns front office has to hit on every draft pick next year and ensure they max their free agent dollars. This is getting to a point where the city is losing fans.