
Women’s Wear Daily stating they won’t dress the First Lady sounds a lot like say, K-Swiss saying they won’t make b-ball shoes for if he would have asked them.

I think Thibs is brilliant and personally credit him for the success of the Bulls in general and guys like Jimmy Butler and Tony Snell in particular. That being said, someone has to get in his ear about pushing his players too hard with minutes. Look, these guys are young and they can do it...every minute is

Woohoo! The US, back in the black baby!

I like the quote about not being “Natural” but unsure how that relates to cultural. I think diversity, equality and multi-culturalism is a beautiful thing. For many peoples to come together in unity is beautiful. My question is can the beauty remain if a dominant culture doesn’t exist?

Drugs are bad. There is really no one who wins with drugs. They ruin lives.

If she destroyed her brain using flakka but her soul is secure in least her eternity is secure.

I don’t know, a few small wins, the masses feeling less constrained by long as he puts the hammer down on the proverbial hate being displayed, he could be a very solid president.

Do we really want a live action movie that mimics a children’s cartoon?

I think the question is the level of consequence based on context. Consequences should be far weightier in public than with private communications somehow “gone” public. I think we all should have spaces that the general level of privacy should always insulate us.

In Walker’s specific case, I agree with him. He is a bonafide professional prospect with 3 games left in college...and issues with concussions. Please, Stoops should be telling him to go.

The question is, what can Trump do that we can all support, that will make America better?

I don’t have a problem with this. Maybe other Americans will be inspired to become entrepreneurs or at least give them solid jewelry options.

Unless you have unwavering resolve in the face of adversity and the power of will and respect to see it through, one will always cave to pressure.

I think that if men want sex and all they are receiving is positive reaction then the onus is on the girl indeed to slow the roll per se. Shoe would be on the other foot if it was opposite.

I am confident they knew where your boundaries were b/c you communicated that soberly to them...or the truth would better be stated that they stood by their boundaries and respected themselves. Had you both been drunk with no real decided expectations b/n the two of you and he wanted sex and you were so wasted you

Poor paraphrase.

I think Eve was held accountable for her was Adam.

I think every generation gets to a point where they can say that. Maybe b/c our childhood perceptions within our community get blown up as we become adults and encounter and engage communities vastly different than ours. Liberal / Conservative philosophy doesn’t radically change, but the standard bearers of those

While the original trilogies were stories for the people, FA and now Rogue One are showing just how horrible the universe would be if white men aren’t overthrown by white female overlords and their multicultural harem of beta men.

Star Wars, the perfect space adventure tale has become the playground for feminists and peddlers of the wholesome diversity crowd and their white male hating supporters. What was such a heroic tale ending with the Return of the Jedi has become trash.