
I think it is pretty blatant actually. He is saying if you are from the Middle-East you will be extremely vetted before we let you in.

What do you mean? You are concerned that American immigrants won’t be allowed in other countries?

Yes, and where did the perpetrators of those attacks come from? Seems pretty clear and straightforward to me.

I am thinking that the Canadians are pretty safe.

I think whatever Trump does in the arena of immigration will show a genuine concern for people and their plight in comparison to the majority of nations in the world.

Claire Forlani is a perfect comparison.

Yes. She is very forgettable in an attractive way. Especially when compared to her sister.

There is nothing that makes me more angry than bullying.

So, as a Browns fan, Kessler, Pryor, Coleman, Kirksey, Collins and Ogbah and Nassib are bright spots and a strong core. Everyone else is blah. We have plenty of options going into the draft and many picks. We don’t need home runs, but we need traditional 8-10yr starters. We need to move from a Phase 1 rebuilding

I guess my question is, what is the confusion. Trump specifically mentions criminals and immigrants from terror-prone regions. There is no mention of DACA and like Obama did with his record levels of deportation, I am sure a “letter” will come out to clarify. I think we are fine.

I am not sure what you mean? America has always been a mix of liberal and conservative pov’s guiding the direction of the country. Conservatism now has control. Things will be fine.

The Electoral College was instituted by our Founding Fathers who were steeped in political thought and theory and the significance of freedom and the tyranny of mob rule while protecting the voice of the minority. That has been achieved. No need to dismantle our system.

I think it is safe for you to remove your head from the sand....

I think the great thing about America is that the KKK are a fringe group opposed to actual countries in this world that root for browned skin supremacy etc...

The KKK have existed for a long time, this isn’t new. Love wins though and it is the example of the triumph of diversity that will send these people back into the hole they came from or win them over for truth.

Calm down. Obviously the Browns are bad, but they have a lot of young players and at times play pretty good football. Kessler looks good and I think he was pulled for safety and development purposes. Sure, they want that first pick and hopefully next year they will be off the scrap heap.

Yes, let’s not learn our lesson and still blame white people for everything.

We are not other countries. We are the greatest country on earth. Our country offers women unprecedented opportunity, freedom and support. On the surface and at its core. What we have here as Obama proves and this election shows is that America will vote for the best...and sometimes one is not the best.

Also because some people don’t want to be held accountable for their actions or think there are consequences to their decisions even when those are staring them right in the face. I say this as a white person.

Because she is a criminal.