
Calm down. Obviously the Browns are bad, but they have a lot of young players and at times play pretty good football. Kessler looks good and I think he was pulled for safety and development purposes. Sure, they want that first pick and hopefully next year they will be off the scrap heap.

Yes, let’s not learn our lesson and still blame white people for everything.

We are not other countries. We are the greatest country on earth. Our country offers women unprecedented opportunity, freedom and support. On the surface and at its core. What we have here as Obama proves and this election shows is that America will vote for the best...and sometimes one is not the best.

Also because some people don’t want to be held accountable for their actions or think there are consequences to their decisions even when those are staring them right in the face. I say this as a white person.

Because she is a criminal.

I think what happened is pretty clear...the Democrats with 8yrs of Obama did nothing to fix a broken immigration policy and essentially blamed white men for all societies ills. This election was about white men and the women who love them standing up and saying enough, we are not the problem here.

Let that sink in.

This election was about diversity. White men who own businesses and want to work voted for Trump. White women who understand the significance of white men working voted for Trump. Hispanics who are citizens and understand the rule of law and the significance of immigration legislation voted for Trump. Blacks who

I think the Lord has a plan. I do not think any deportation or amnesty legislation will be perfect, but neither was the plan to come here illegally. The Lord’s plan is for their good and whether they stay or go, after the pain subsides there will be triumph.

probably because the women/girl friends are part of the other groups and the distinction of mothers, sisters and girlfriends was to close out the thought with the most significant relationships many of them have.

And be willing to understand that muslims, jews, latinos, asians, gays and a very diverse population voted for Trump. That some of those minority groups only fear a liberal progressive agenda that does not value life, morality or the sovereignty of the nation. And that is a very valid view as well and in many cases

If this was a direct democracy you would be right, but this is a representative form of democracy with an electoral college. Such a form was created by our founding fathers to ensure the minority and their voices were not trampled by the majority and that rural voters had as much power as those in densely populated

This is why children don’t vote. Probably why it took so long to let women vote. Because the underlying issues of the country, including immigration are adult topics. You tell your class the truth. There are people in this country illegally, they chose to come here illegally and in a nation of law the ends don’t

I think we can see with the way liberals are in emotional free fall that nobody wants anything but surface level diversity. People want a black, gay and hispanic friend, but they don’t want to be around people who think differently about abortion, education and governmental influence. 

As an adult male I think you can get conservatives and liberals to agree on a thoughtful and dignified policy on public bathroom access for transgender people. What you will never get a compromise on though is the niche of public bathrooms with the educational system, and as long as they are handled together and not

This is the significance of education. As a wise person once said to me, “the skills you have may have gotten you where you are today, but they may not get you to where you want to go.” Knowing how to sell weed on a street corner or to a small college community is one thing, having the business acumen, connections

I think they may indeed be a special class. Separate rooms would be cost prohibitive and zero is impractical in many “public” venues. I think we must agree on respect in public locations but compromise in school/educational facilities. That is the only place I as a father of a minor would be concerned.

I think she needs to clarify who she’s speaking to b/c white people always be working.

Such BS. Samantha forget she’s white?

Look, diversity is great and multi-culturalism is fine, but this country also has white people. Those white people have driven the development of the greatest nation on earth and they spoke once more in the last election. Before we condemn them, let’s see what happens. We have a pretty good track record so far.