
Let’s get a grip...I mean what is the worst that can happen?

Landslide. Clinton.

...or maybe it’s a great deal. Maybe they are afforded the job, the opportunity, the space to be a mother and the freedom to do less without consequence while the male is expected to be at work everyday.

I think we need to take a step back and take a breath. Women aren’t defined utterly by their looks nor has that ever been the case. If it were the case you wouldn’t see so many unattractive “people” in long term marriage relationships built on mutual respect, love and commitment.

There comes a point where we should expect more from our young men. I also think our ladies are just as guilty. Just b/c lists haven’t been uncovered doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

I think we have to look at this very closely. In many cases childcare workers aren’t always certified teachers. Many classrooms use 1 teacher and multiple workers to care for the needs of these children. I am not sure “all” the workers should be compensated similarly.

I think it is pretty ignorant to pretend that college girls don’t have similar lists...

I think as a matter of adult-hood and maturity, yes, these boys should be reprimanded and held to a higher standard. As an adult, finding out that boys are keeping score cards about the hotness of women isn’t at all surprising and many of those students will one day make tons of money keeping similar lists for Maxim,

I find it hard to believe that you could find me an example of a male and female waiter being hired by the same restaurant on the same day not being paid the same amount. No way they pay her .85 less.

Derek Carr started immediately and has thrived. His brother started immediately and was sacked so many times he became doomed. Many factors play into this, organization, infrastructure, weapons, personality. Ultimately though Derek isn’t that much better than David...he just had better timing.

I think the Rams are doing the right thing. The only other decision they should make is to fire Fisher. Next year you start over and insert Goff. Let him shine from the start, don’t insert him now and screw with his head.

As a Browns fan I actually am not worried about the losses. I have hope. I have seem us play some pretty good football in stretches, our front office is set and our head coach is a good one. A lot of young talent has gotten experience this year, we have a chance to upgrade with Collins, we have a solid QB in

The Marvel Netflix series are so well done. Elodie really upped the bar for Daredevil Season 2. Glad she will show up with the Defenders...and while I don’t mind her being a villain originally, the great thing about Elektra is she is ultimately good.

What is dumb about the most beautiful and powerful woman in the world falling in love with Superman? Nothing. That is natural.

First, Wonder Woman isn’t gay or bi-sexual. She love Steve Trevor and ultimately Superman.

There is no criminality b/c they are choosing not to pursue...but if they were your emails, don’t think for a minute you wouldn’t be behind bars right now.

The more and more we learn about the Star Wars universe, the more we see that the “Dark Times” were really times of great order, economic growth and expansion. It seems the “rebellion” may not be as good as we think, especially if Luke, Lea and Han couldn’t convince a whole new generation of Jedi to agree with them.

Not a LeBron fan on the court, but socially he is on point. Vote Clinton sounds good to me.

I am pretty confident that anything Ben A. is involved in can’t suck.

This is a big win for truth.